I'm currently working on checkpoints with a specified radius.
I would like to include the heading data I get from the OutSimPack, but since its area is something between -3,1 and 3,1 I can't really convert it into degrees (0 - 360), which would make things a lot easier. Any ideas on how to proceed?
As I mentioned before, math is cool but I don't really have a hand for it
1 degree = 0.0174532925
That says it all, eh?
Sorry, I forgot to mention that each client in the network (talking about multiplayer) would actually collect those coordinates for their vehicle and send it to a server which compares all of the collected information. So just assume that I have all coordinates from each single player.
I'm actually "just" trying to get the ranking positions (e.g. those which are listed in the upper right box while racing). It doesn't even have to be via OutSim, just need those ranks...
Ok, I recorded the OutSimPack.Pos.X / Y data for about 2 minutes while racing on a map and saved them to a file. I then used the numbers in an Excel sheet and created a diagram which showed me the actual map I was racing before.
Now, I'm not really a genius in math and always kind of need a while to figure those things out. So do one of you already have an idea how to retrieve the position from each player with the x, y coordinates? Any suitable algorithms in mind?
Of course I could now calucate the positions having the average coordinates of the track, but I'm trying to look for an unified way / algorithm which would allow me to get those infos without having to come up with extra calucations for each map.
does anyone have an idea on how to calculate the position with the data provided from the OutSim API?
I'm trying to figure out the position of each player in DiRT2 programmatically and would be interested if someone already has made a similar (successfull) attempt.