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S3 licensed
Every passive adult Russian citizen is co-responsible for war crimes unleashed by their leader, mentally ill Putin in Ukraine. And have blood on their hands. They let the evil to rise and grow for 20 years, not taking action against. Russians, you are delussioned, in denial. Similar as Germans civilists were in denial of concentration camps existence until were taken to see on their own eyes. Then the reality hit them. Too late.

In this very moment, Putin destroys your future and our future too.

C'mon Russians, you can still do it, stop genocide

"It's a disaster": Moscow deputies urged Putin to end the war

The Council of Deputies of the Gagarinsky municipal district in Moscow condemned military operations on the territory of Ukraine and called on Vladimir Putin to immediately withdraw troops from there.

In a letter to the Russian president, the deputies called the invasion of Ukraine a disaster.

"This is the path to the degradation and impoverishment of the country. No other actions could cause more damage to the Russian economy," the appeal says.

Earlier, the Council of Deputies of the Moscow District of Khamovniki also made an anti-war statement.

Last edited by TV[cz], .
S3 licensed
File name : LFS_S3_6M_setup.exe
File size : 417 MB (437837049 Bytes)
File MD5 : 69b1894ee633c971f707108219ea8a13

Verify the installer's MD5 checksum to make sure it's complete and not corrupted. If you can't be bothered, just re-download the installer and try again.

IIRC you can also use WinRAR/7-zip to extract LFS files from the installer EXE and serve yourself.
S3 licensed
Quote from Victor :That has been fixed now.

I can confirm that. Thank you!
S3 licensed
Paying using a combination of LFS credits and Paypal doesn't work as expected. Issue reported via contact us form.
S3 licensed
Log in here using WEB password: and reset GAME password. Then use GAME password to unlock LFS. Wink
S3 licensed

Not that I agree with what Apple has done but the resulting reaction is hilarious and revelatory at the same time. Modern music illiterate and ignorant nincompoops going hysterical.

What have those people expected giving full control over their music library (moreover permitting automated device synchronization!) to content publisher in the first place? Also what's the point of asking simple poser questions, too lazy to UTFG these days? Hah, busted.
Last edited by TV[cz], .
S3 licensed
How about reading Oculus Rift pre-order page first before pulling out "meaningful" statistical numbers, false assumptions and fantasy theories?

Quote from oculusvr :I understand this hardware is intended for developers and it is not a consumer product.

By the way it's Oculus, not Occulas.
S3 licensed
I have given up the survey at about 45%, sorry. So much monkey, mistake prone, work for something that deserves to be fully automated.
S3 licensed
@jmeade: Same sound glitch had occured to me once yesterday. I kept going to race finish anyway . No fraps nor other interfering background processes here.

@Boris Lozac: Use look left, look right buttons at the same time to look back. That's the same as in LFS iirc.
S3 licensed
So true.
S3 licensed
I suppose this trick didn't work either, right? ... php?p=1832337#post1832337
S3 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :As well.. if being an Apple user allegedly makes me brain dead... What are iRacing users? brainless?

No, it just makes you embarrasingly inconsistent in your statements and opinions.

You just never give up you silly case, chit-chat kido, do you? Never ever. Why not go ahead an create separate sour comedian corner thread for your showcase then. Do something useful once
S3 licensed
Frustrated Apple kido attacking others for using "pricey broken sim" and refering to brainwashed masses.
S3 licensed
Reading through this thread it's safe to say iRacing is the least of your problems... unfortunatelly. Could you just think now for a second and consider to stop spreading this non-constructive, repetetive, annoying, uninformed nonsence, pretty please?
S3 licensed
Overall I am impressed with this tech demo, no big issues, smooth as silk, almost none input lag, intuitive believable physics and FFB. Actually more polished package than I though it would be. And what a screenshot generator!

Quote from HonzaNB :Is it possible to look left and right from cockpit? I didnt find how to set it or make it work.

No, not possible yet, it's mentioned in known issues list.

Hello everybody, this is a list of known issues, please check before posting your findings.

[U][B]Game Settings :[/B][/U]

- it's not possible to change tyre wear and fuel consumption for now
- in pro mode ABS is OFF. But the real Elise has ABS so it is permitted even if the "assist" is off. You can check its with the "electronics" APP and disable/enable it if you want by pressing CTRL+A while driving

[B][U]Setup :[/U][/B]

- only pressures can be changed
- tyres aren't changed if you click "restart session"
- There is a minimal tyre wear, although not finalised yet.
- Tyres do not blow up for this Technology preview.

[U][B]Physics :[/B][/U]

- it's possible to start the car without using the clutch for the technology preview
- the "ignition" function is not yet implemented, although you can set it up in the control settings.
- No damage enabled for the Technology Preview.

[B][U]Graphics :[/U][/B]

- No skidmarks in the sand boxes and grass is as designed.
- smoke inside the car is as designed.
- Very faint curbs may seem to appear in the car cockpit due to reflection
- glance left/right is not implemented yet, although you can set them up in the controls settings.
- reverse light is not working in the Technology Preview.

[U][B]Apps :[/B][/U]

- transparency of the different apps is at the discretion of the app developper and can vary depending of the use of the app.
- bar goes red in the pedal app when the Force Feedback value is over 1.0 or less than -1.0

[U][B]Wheels :[/B][/U]

- G27 leds are disabled for the Tech Preview
- D-Pads aren't supported by AC as of now
- Clutch can't be assigned to button as of now

[B][U]TrackIR :[/U][/B]

- Use only yaw and pitch movements for TP

S3 licensed
Why not to backup your whole system and app partition(s) using Windows integrated tools (backup physical drive -> VHD file) or third party free tools like CloneZilla. CloneZilla works really well with NAS or external HDD as backup target.

Idea of universally backing up "applications" of different kind and vendors plus their "settings" and more over recovering them to fully functional state at some point is plain unrealistic, imo.
S3 licensed
Mmmmm web UI Or maybe not.
S3 licensed
Indie Game: The Movie documentary worth seeing. Too bad they didn't approach non-US game developers this time. Scawen and Kunos would fit in with their never ending stories of niche indie titles
S3 licensed
Answer to poll: simply NO.

1. No real demand. I mean how many people would actually benefit from this?
2. Unrealistic in our life-time.
3. Waste of already miniscule resources.
4. You can run Windows natively on contemporary Apple HW, so why bother with MacOS.
5. You have voluntarily set a deal by buying Apple.
6. Can't see major steering wheel manufacturers offering drivers & SW for MacOS.

See? pointless.
Last edited by TV[cz], . Reason : 6.
S3 licensed
On the other hand, isn't it sweet that people with attitude like yours are kept in lower licence ranks? SR system must work pretty well then (for others, that is) :-)
S3 licensed
Quote from Swiss-Spirit :Don't you rather wanted to say 4GB?

Uhmm no. Basic package (that's the content you get with basic subscription) is/was <400MB (installer). This may grow to a few gigs later on with tracks and cars purchased and downloaded individually - mine iR folder totals on about 4-5GB's. Nothing to be really worried about.

Your laptop should do fine.

Quote from Swiss-Spirit :That means I am as Rookie won't be even D-class at the start, yes?

Correct. Getting ClassD however shouldn't take you more than a few hours or days of driving/learning/improving at maximum.

Quote from Swiss-Spirit :
And 8 out of 12 race weeks of a season? Can that be 1 single race per week and complete it?

Yep basically taking 1 official(!) race per week would suffice to meet participation requirements for given class.
S3 licensed
Any news is good news at this point. Thanks, much appreciated.
S3 licensed
Physically healthy HDD won't make your downloads speed to drop from 500KB/s to 100KB/s. Even extremely fragmented one won't, on it's own.

Search for other causes like HDD intensive unnecessary background tasks (virus, antivirus-scans, bloatware, indexing services). Does your HDD LED stay almost permanently ON? If not, well... search elsewhere :-)