thanks very much for the replies
Changing the values in the profiler made so much difference driving in game, theres alot more feel for the grip through the tires now
I might be able to make it round a lap now using a rear wheel drive car
I've been playing LFS for a few days now with my new G27 and I have a few noob questions I was hoping someone could help me out with
Regarding setup in the logitech profiler, should I leave the degrees of rotation at 900 and adjust the ingame steering rotation per car? or should i be matching the profiler degrees to each car im driving at that time?
Again in the profiler, what settings would you recommend to start out with for overall effects strength, spring effects strength and damper strength and should enable centering spring be on or off?
In game I'm having trouble countering oversteer, when the back starts to slide no matter how fast i try to counter i can never pull it back into check. I'm not sure if its to do with my steering setup or if im just not fast enough with the wheel yet. Even the slightest slide always results in a spin which makes driving any rear wheel drive cars near the limit really hard.
One last question is there a setting so that if i depress the clutch the read out on the cars dash shows neutral rather than showing the current gear? The clutch works just the read out doesn't show N, im not sure if it should or not.