My brother's laptop has a major issue with LFS, and I just can't put my finger on what it is. The FPS drop like crazy, it can go from anything to 47FPS all the way to 18FPS. It sucks because I usually play on his laptop because FFB is supported on Windows, and not on Linux atm. I've turned off drawing trees, flags and rubber. Switched the textures to low quality, and turned off skins as well. I also turned off the wind and run in window mode in a 16-bit version of a lower resolution. His laptop isn't even a year old which is why I'm surprised, because my laptop is nearly 2.5 years old.
His laptop specs are as follows:
Acer Aspire 5738Z - model number MS2264.
Intel Pentium T4400 (2.2Ghz, 800MHz FSB)
Intel GMA 4500M
Running Windows 7 64-bit.
As far as I can see, he should be getting at least a stable 50FPS because the CPU is sufficient enough, as is his GPU. I know LFS only uses single-core atm, but on my laptop I get 60FPS running in WINE on Linux. My laptop which is an Acer Aspire 6920 model number LF1, has an Intel Core 2 Duo T5550 (1.83 GHz) with 3GB RAM, nVidia 9500 GS GPU with a 250GB HDD running Ubuntu 11.04 is 2.5 years old.
Would be nice if someone could help out here. He's got plenty of diskspace left, more than 75% anyway.