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# ====================== BASIC CONFIGURATION ====================== #
# ------------------------ SERVER SETTINGS ------------------------ #
1) Run LFS server with default settings or after updating cfg.txt. done
2) Using "/admin=password" in cfg.txt define server admin password.???
3) Type in server console "/insim=29999" to open an InSim port.????????
# ------------------------ REQUIRED STEPS ------------------------- #
1) Extract all files into some folder.done
2) Open "Airio.con.1.txt".done
3) Define connection data for your 1st LFS server.??
a) Change LFS server IP address if it runs on different computer.runs on my computer
b) Set LFS server port to the number specified in "/insim=" above.????
c) Use admin password specified in "/admin=" above.???
4) Save and close the file.?
5) Run "Airio.exe".
# ------------------------ SUGGESTED STEPS ------------------------ #
1) In "Airio.cfg.txt" find ServersID and (define your instance) name.??
2) Also find IdentKey item and copy there your LFSW generated key.?
3) Save the file and if Airio is already running, type "!rld".
# ------------------------ OPTIONAL STEPS ------------------------- #
1) Create "Airio.con.2.txt" by copying "Airio.con.1.txt".
2) Define inside the file connection to your 2nd server.
3) Save the file and wait for Airio to connector type "!jo 2".
4) Use "Airio.con.3.txt" and "Airio.con.4.txt" if needed.
# ===================== CONFIGURATION FILES ======================= #
A) Airio.cfg.txt contains configuration of the running instance.
B) Airio.tcd.txt contains track/car configuration data.
C) Airio.srv.txt has items common to all conected servers.
D) Airio.con.?.txt defines connection to server ?.
E) Airio.srv.?.txt may on server ? redefine anything from SRV file.
F) Airio.set.?.txt may contain / and ! commands for default state.
G) All items may be updated "live" using !rld command.
# ======================= MORE INFORMATION ======================== #
Read User Manual, Admin Manual, Full Version Manual and other docs