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S2 licensed
LFSWorld Username: joseracer
I would like to run for the position of nation's manager: no
Skills: driver
some of the servers log errors
S2 licensed
Lost connection to FAC^vBruno
Racerpage^L timed out
Lost connection to FAC^vDJ EDO
Lost connection to FAC^vBruno
Lost connection to FAC^vDJ EDO
Lost connection to FAC^vBruno
New guest failed to connect
New guest timed out
New guest failed to connect
Lost connection to GRT»CASTR

New guest failed to connect
New guest failed to connect
New guest failed to connect
Exit : clean up
Exit : delete
Lost connection to FAC^vBruno
Racerpage^L timed out
Lost connection to FAC^vDJ EDO
Lost connection to FAC^vBruno
Lost connection to FAC^vDJ EDO
Lost connection t
Mr Jack dice:

We have allready passed theese to cerolag's ( our local host) server admin, but since he says all the other games hosted show no problem and none the hardware neither the software has been touched he can't help us, since lfs is the only game they host that is experiencing problems since the servers move.

So as I asked before, any tips or maybe configuration changes at the server that we can attempt will be wellcome.

thanks again.

Last edited by Joseracer, .
Wouldblock errors keep disconecting players - Help appreciated.
S2 licensed
First I'm sorry for my english, I'm not a native english speaker so please be patient to read.

I'm currently one of the admins of a Latinoamerican LFS comunity, wich is now running our 7th season of LFS leagues.

Last week our local server provider, moved the server to a new ISP, and since then problems started plagging the online experience for most users.

I'll try to be brief and specific about the problem, it's just RANDOM DISCONNECTS plus sometimes the inhability to connect receiving a "Player info not received" (currently running spanish version of lfs, so maybe it's not the exact translation).

It's not a latency issue, since the ping to the server is an average of 25 ms for all of argentinian players, and no more than 100 for those who race from other countrys, and the lag bars at the lower left corner off the screen does not seem higher than before the isp switch.

I've contracted a 500server server (Franky, that log email asking a free test was mine, but since I noted I could buy a monthly subscription instead of a yearly one, I went ahead and asked a friend to buy it via paypal.) and it's really more stable even when the ping from the servers list is never below 190ms for most of us.

Even when the 500servers server is doing fine now, we face two problems

1) money, since no one pays a subscription to race and even if they would, it should be really dificult to manage and make payments.

2) most of the racers can't understand that a high ping but reliable server is better than a low ping unreliable one..

We will tomorrow be raciong with full slots @ 500servers in order to try to convince ppl that is atm our best solution, but just in case someone here has a clue as where can our problem be, since the same box runs ohter game servers wich has been with betwen 50 and 100 players online all the time in the new isp, any of wich experienced the troubles the lfs comunity had since the new isp came in, it would be really appreciated.

In the post below I'll paste the server log with the errors wich where logged betwen disconnections tonight.

Once again, escuse my english and thanks in advance for any tips you can give.

S2 licensed
It seems to be a problem that started with patch V.

To solve it you have two options:

1) uncheck "switch to windows mode while connecting" (maybe not the exact translation, I play with the spanish version of LFS).
The AA and AS is lost when the games goes to windowed mode and back to FS, so this will prevent that happening.


2) Do a quick resolution change (ie: Shift+f9 and then Shift+f12) and they will be back on

The second was posted by someone else in another thread, but hard to find, I believe this tip should be stickied till there is a patch that solves the problem.

PS: I now run an Nvidia Card, but I believe both solutions should work for both Ati and Nvidia.
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :Thought about braking earlier because you obviously were going with the wind at that time, reducing your downforce in that direction and thus more speed? Did you take that into consideration before tinkering with the setup? REALLY?

In this particular case, I tryed all i could to break early in that T1 and I just could not get it right at anything close to the no wind or 4km/wind scenarios.

But, it may be my fault not being able to do it.

I invite you to try the set if you have the time and wish to do so, I atached the set with the lower wing settings, try to do your best at t1 without wind and then repeat that with an announced wind speed of 25km/h, if you took the time to try and got a conclusion please post to tell.

If you think it's to much work, it's fine, as I said it may be me who blames the wind but sucks at driving
S2 licensed
Quote from bbman :What difference would it make? Those fractions of a second you gain going with the wind you lose going against it... What difference would changing brake strenght, - bias, downforce and so on make then? It's setup for a TRACK, for those specific corners you'll encounter, not the weather... I never heard any RL team changing setup because the wind got stronger or changed direction, do you? Thought so... Seriously, have you thought that through all the way?

With 25km/h wind @ aston club with FOX i just could not take t1 without sliding till I added 1 degree to both wings.....

And the same applied to all other racers that day.

When the official race started, wind was @ 4km/h thus making the (already "oficial race") setup slower than it could have been at straight, so making everyone loose about a tenth of a second from their pb's, wich on a 43 lap race has influence.
S2 licensed
Quote from K.David :A system that downloads the weather conditions of a given area like in Flight Simulator? Would be nice That way you wouldn't have any control over it.

And would be a valid way of saying it's "reallistic" wich controling via preselected range is not, so it would make the "reallistic" argument a valid one, wich imo is not atm.

Bob, yours is a fair point
S2 licensed
Quote from Davo :I think you guys missed the point.

IRL before a race you'd know which way the wind is blowing so you could either go flat out through that chicane or lift off because you had too much speed due to wind. In LFS you ony find out the direction of the wind once you're off the start and it can be hard to judge straight away when you're fighting for positions etc.

It'd be good if there was some kind of direction indicator for the wind as well as the speed shown before starting the race so you could choose an appropriate setup for the conditions instead of having a random wind thrown in your face and using a setup that's not right for the conditions.

Yes, they missed the point, but it's my poor english to blame, not them.

The point is (hope to put it right this time)

The variation of the wind force under the same wind option selected via the pre-race menu.

Soft wind ====> 3kmh/h to 25km/h is really a huge range, and the car setup is totally different if you are going to have 3km/h wind than if you get 25km/h....

Now, in a league race, once the grid is set, you can not enter pits via shift+s and fast change the set, so that's what I say will cause either luck or maye extra conservative setup win over a risked one if the winds turns out to be of 25km/h and because of the same luck + conservative choice make it the other way if the wind turns out to be of 3km/h...

So that's why I believe it to be unfair in long, formal races.

Maybe this can be sorted in an upcoming patch with narrower ranges of wind speed for any given windows setting selected by the league admin / racers.

Ie: Soft ===> 3 to 9 km/h - Medium ====> 9 to 19 strong=====> 19 and more km/h.

(Please don't take this post as a request to the developers, it's just to see if there is consensus that until then a better choice would be just to turn wind off in league racing in order to make it fair.)
Quick questions about Wind options
S2 licensed
1) Do you think it makes sense that "soft wind" (sorry if it's not the exact translation, as my lfs version is in spanish) ranges from 4km/h to 25km/h, making it really hard to select the right car setup as this info is just showed at the start line or when the qualifying starts?

2) If you are runing in a league, is this feature used or you just race without wind, to prevent the before scenario where maybe luck or being conservative defines who wins?

Escuse my poor english writing skills , I hope they are good enough to make my point, this is as far as it can be to a complaint to developers, just a search of what is the general consensus of users about the wind settings for league and formal racing.

Thanks and once again escuse my english.