Hi guys .. Here it is, step by step:
Download this file: http://peecee.dk/uploads/stuff/msstdfmt.dll.txt (Right Click and choose Save Destination To, er something like that)
Rename the file to msstdfmt.dll (just remove the .txt at the end)
Copy the file to your system32 folder in your systemdir (Click on Start -> Run -> write: %systemroot% and press enter - on my computer the complete path is C:\WINNT\system32\)
Go to Start -> Run -> Write: regsvr32 msstdfmt.dll and press enter.
If there comes an error, please report ind here
Now to the suggestion:
Dont know if this have been posted before, but in case is has - does anyone have a link for it then? Thanks
I think it would be great if there were a possibility to change the pressure on the Turbo Charger .. From (for an example) 0,8 bar to 1,4 bar and then see what happens
Would be really cool ..
Af explanation of why the function isnt there, would also be good - if there is one