Hehe, nice...i like the intro, first time when i saw it, i was guess it is a slowmo, but after that "enter" to the misuc really suprised me. Also i liked a text effect
Good job. But still - Cyber Powah!
Well, nothin interesting, video wasnt synhronized to music. So im feeling like u did it just to record and put music into it.
Sry mate. 3/10 - just for nice crashes.
When u run the YT video, i looked at video time and said "damn, that must be next boring video" but after i watched all, i can say now "WOW"
Great video man, 9/10 - always could be better
Well, after we finished race for AutoPlus TV i just decided to make a movie about Nascar in our lovely SimRacing game But before making a movie, i was just thinking about great start of movie (intro), had many ideas but i hope you will love this one as i do The rest of movie should be exciting and hope not boring - so boys and girls, watch and comment
My latest work was on round 5 (FOX @ FE GREEN) but i didnt public it on lfsf cause after some time i decided that the production sux at all. So i had to do somethin with it, and tried to make a short but good trailer of the third season of polish league. Well, watch and comment it plz