AndroidXP, hey, thanks for the tip Never occured to me to dig up for it in lfs files. Concidering shine is controlled through cfg it's probably easy to add it into the game menu.
BTW, turned out shine control is discrete (on|off)
It seems to me that the models of cars look better without shine. The form reads much clearer and it's easier to notice the effects of blue light from the sky and reflected light from the ground. Those really count in realism. The transitions of value and color are by far finer and that's important feature of realism.
Now the reflection realization is too rough to make it so pronounced imo.
It would be cool to have an opportunity to tune the degree of "Shine" (a slider).
Hi! The current sound of saloon car engines (especially XRT) has one unbearable feature. If you listen to it at 6000rpm in headphones you get ringing sensation in ears because of excessing volume of 200-600 Hz. These frequences dominate and it's hard to stand them. I use equalizer to reduce 200-600Hz only then it's possible to hear those gorgeous sounds of intake and turbine. Equalizing spoils other sounds though.
IMO simulation of soundproofing is wrong. In real life it is tuned to create a balanced ratio of all kind of noises. Tyre and engine sounds are balanced so no one dominates - otherwise it will be anoying even if quiet. Besides the features of soundproofing materials are designed to neutralize certain frequences that are most unpleasant for human ear. The sound of engine in real car is usually pleasing. Unlike in LFS saloons.
I realize that the sound system is in a process of creation now and the final version will probably be perfect. But could you Scawen equalize the current engine sounds to make them easy on ears like it have been before U30.
edit: btw, in RBR there was an opportunity to equalize every engine sounding by editing a text file. That was nice, could be useful in LFS too.