I installed and downloaded the game again once I got my wheel mount sorted, did some searching on here and got some of the texture and reflection packs so it doesn't look awful for a 15 year old game!
Must admit was disappointed with the active multiplayer servers, there was only 1 actual racing server I could see - which was a FBM server doing 4 lap sprint races - which was OK - reminded me how rusty I am :-)
Was well off the pace!
Probably won't get S3 , given how dead public multiplayer is, the most players on any server was 12
I see little point of spending the £12 just to drive around Rockingham
I remember back in the CTRA days there was multiple servers with 20+ people, I was hoping there was still a core active community
Oh well, if the FBM racing is all I can get then I'll take it for now and just dip in every so often but I'll probably stick with AC/ACC/PC2
Rane, looked into the mods, seems to just be some basic mods rather than the level of Asseto Corsa for example, but better than nothing I guess!
Is there an equivalent to CTRA today? I don't tend to spend 3-4 hours racing as a go, I liked the CTRA method of being able to jump in and out with the lap records and points earnt etc.
And are public racing lobbies still active in Multiplayer server browser? I remember there used to be the random drift servers and the racing servers that did 15-30 minute races etc?
Also, there used to be a big skinning community with the cars, are those still active? Is there a big file I can download which has lots of different skins for cars as opposed to getting them individually
Sorry for the questions, I'm a boomer now so I've forgotten how to do anything ! :-)
and as for the insurance argument shut the **** up.
if the car is only lightly damaged, eg a bumper, there and then, offer to take the person who hit you to a cash point and arrange an amount and they hand it there and then. if they don't give you cash there and then you can either
1) escort the person back to their house, have them show you ID that prooves they live there and arrange for it to be done later or;
2) use insurance.
normally it would only be a bumper and £250 would cover a replacement bumper (ebay bought + respray) or a repair and respray of your current one.
if someone crashed into me and only dinged my bumper that's what i'd do (after i'd chopped their balls and or boobs off)
considering most people's excess is say £250 then it would be completely stupid not to.. you'd still have to pay and both of your insurance will go up next year.
it's ok if she ever gets with you (why she would i have no idea you look like a fat ozzie ozbourne no homo) she will probably do the same to you at some point.
But if someone was only hosting links to other sites...
That's like the Yellow Pages being arrested for having adverts for "discreet massage"...
Like going "I don't sell drugs but I know dave down the road has them.."
Compared to what, being stabbed? In that respect it's great, compared to every other Sims since 2009 it's sh....iny? , sorry.
In terms of driving, general physics, it's nice, but in graphics, features, etc etc. Not so good.
I used to race in CTRA and can tell you the flag ratio is crap. I would get yellow flagged for driving in the lead (??)
With respect it was people like you (not necessarily including yourself) who caused the countless first-lap f**k ups which meant I had to learn how to throw a tail happy car into a corner at max speed to avoid being taken out.
Banning because of frame rates is lame but I think a user who can't sustain say 20fps in the first few corners of a race should not be allowed to race on a busy, serious server.
Not that they exist anymore so no-one will be banned.