Team Name: Tygers Of Pan Tang
Server (Y/N): Y (Not 24h only when we run it)
If yes server name: [Tygers]Server
Type: Race.
Team info: Currently only two members both from finland. Founded
in 20.6.2011. We have amateur made skins.
Website: (Will be translated to english when we get more non Finnish members.)
Are you willing to accept members immediately or will you test drivers?: We will test, but its only showing that u can race clean =)
Demo/S1/S2?: Demo, S1, S2
Tag:Tygers/Your Name(White in game.)
Best Way To Contact: PM me here in the LFS Forums.
Leader: cicaara kuski and Nasse 96.
Requirements: U can/will race clean and fair.
Recruicting new members. PM me here in the LFS forums, if u are interesred.
Ps. When we get more non. Finnish members the website will be translated to english.