This should be a easy one for you guys. I have a dedi server running LFS Lapper fine right now except my idle player on track doesn't seem to work. I left it default just changed the seconds in the cfg. Take a look.
################################## #Options for idle player on track# ##################################
#$IdleExclude = "Lagamel,Gai-Luron"; # Usernames excluded for idle check
$OnIdleTimeout1 = 50; # Idle timeout for OnIdleAction1 in seconds
Event OnIdleAction1() privMsg( "^3You are idle and will be spectated in 10 seconds" ); EndEvent
$OnIdleTimeout2 = 60; # Idle timeout for OnIdleAction2 in seconds
Event OnIdleAction2() cmdLFS( "/spec " . $Nickname ); privMsg( "^3You are spectated for non-activity" ); EndEvent
Does anyone have a clue why its not working? Thanks
Nevermind I fixed it myself... It seems you cant use 60 seconds for idle, so I used 59. Hope this helps others as well.
Hi I have a few replays I have made few months ago (.spr)
Well I tried playing them back lately and I see the race and the cars lined up, but then when my car goes to take off the replay freezes and says: "REPLAY OOS ERROR"