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S2 licensed
Quote from Inouva :Nice thread title

And yes AI is like that, Whould be fixed in the future

ok thx,,, i was just asking if maybye i have forgot to install a patch or something

This game is so hot,, I'm actually playing with an eyefinity setup and Ubotto racing cockpit!! So hot and fun (an a G25 of course)
LFS AI is plain stupid
S2 licensed
Hi guys!!

I just wanted to know if its normal that the ai act like i am not there?!? Just exiting the pit, they just ram you like you are not there and even in race..

I'm relatively new to this game so maybe i did miss something?%?!
Where i can find an North american lfs league??
S2 licensed
hi!! I'm searching for an north american lfs league but i can'T find one.. I'm from canada (Québec).. I was in a league from the Absolute beginners but its not really easy for me to attempt race because of the time zone..

Is there any north american league going or its just in Europe??
S2 licensed
humm, maybe i did chose the FBM thinking it was the Real BWM F1 Car off the game

I'll need to check back tonigth
S2 licensed
Quote from SmegFirk :unless we are misunderstanding each other with our English, when you say "Formula One" do you mean the BF1? the car in the very bottom right corner of the selection screen? Because you should be able to shift up and down with your foot on the gas in that.

I am rubbish with wheels and pedals but if you can't perhaps it is something to do with debounce settings and the game isn't registering what you have done.

I may be talking complete nonsense, if I am sure somebody will correct and put you in the right direction

Yes, i'm referring to the BMW sauber as a Formula one.. When i tried this car yesterday, i had to release throttle to shift, exactly like when i use the little MRT.. So, its a bug!?" humm

is the FBM the BWM sauber you are referring to?
Last edited by fortress66, .
S2 licensed
sorry for my newbie question again

but what car you are referring as FBM??? Formula BMW???
S2 licensed
I can understand with the MRT

but it does this with Formula 1 too! i dont think i real life they release gaz??
Why i need to release the gaz pedal to shift ?? (sequential)
S2 licensed
hi guys!!

Well, I'M sure something is wrong. When i use a cars with sequential shifting, i need to release the gaz pedal to shift. The "automatic clutch" option is set to on so, i dont understand

I mean, i dont think, F1 driver release the gaz before shifting right??

Is it a bug with my setup controller?