Is the problem of the non-cockpit-racers (the bad one´s) so complicated?
I try to explain it. Just now (10 July 2007 05.42), i see just 4 servers for me (S-S). So 4 games i can join now. So take the voting of 70% for 'i love to force all others to my view' and shift this to the servers and wups - just one server is left for me. Nice or?
I know, lfs isn´t a company with traditionel behaviour, but they´v allready lost some customers by 'cutting' out keyboard-users (some friends of me had to exit lfs). Now, the next step is to kick all non 'in-car-view-racers' - all of them are arcade lovers? hmm - some brain left to think about it?
The market for racing simulations is realy tiny. Is it a good idea to devide it in lfs?
More realism on cockpit view? Hmm - let´s take a real small car - perhaps the lupo - have u ever seen a lupo which has a width of 24" - assuming you have a 22" display?
Have you ever seen the nice 'scotty-beam-me-up-to-pit' in real racing? Please show me the small track-layout on screen, in a real racing car. Ups -can it be that i forgott all the other pc-specific things in lfs, like F12, F9 etc.?
LFS is the best racing GAME-simulation on the market, but still it´s a game. And sure, LFS belongs to LFS, they can do what they like to do with it. But it should be a thought worth, if just league racers are enough for the futur success of lfs.
For me it´s a simple thing - if can´t play this game like i love to, i won´t.
It´s a shame, that we 'non-elite-racers' where attacked, because we just don´t like the view of the majority. Tipps like go out and play nfs instead of lfs are perkiness.