Reinstalled to empty folder as first measure, did not help.
Just tried, did not help.
Still thinking about it, guess will do it for testing.
AI Suite only installed later, when wanted to check current CPU clock. Tried to disable Cool&Quiet in BIOS, but did not help.
Could be onboard sound card problem, but do not have external sound card for testing at the moment. BTW installing newest Realtek drivers did not help.
No. Using newest microsoft drivers. Maybe will try to install newest realtek drivers.
Yes, I use "multiplayer speed up". Tried to change distance and Dynamic LOD reduction, but frozing still happened just before car showed up.
I doubt, I can install older DirectX version on Windows 7, it comes with v11 preloaded. Maybe will try installing XP on second drive...
Had CCC installed while updating GFX drivers, but uninstalled later, because it got unstable after installing Asus AI Suite.
Tried to race offline, before start I tried to loock behind and got same freezing, when racing, it does not freez until you or someone form AI gets damaged, its enough to only slightly touch another car and freezing happens.
So I managed to somehow reduce LFS freezing by disabling CPU clock throttling (disabled C1E and Extended Throttling in BIOS), but still I experiance some freezing while e.g. driving through pits while there are several cars pitting.
Hi, so I tryed LFS demo and while playing online it keeps freezing for a fraction of a second when other cars enters my "field of view" i.e. when car gets rendered for first time, as it gets closer to me. Freezing happens also when my, or any other car in my "field of view" crashes, or gets damaged somehow.
When this freezing happens, screen is not rerendered at all, after it, LFS shows some random FPS number, and when again returns back to FPS limiter, e.g. fps goes like this: 100, 100, screen freezes for half of a second, 22, 100, 100.
My system:
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E7600 @ 3.06GHz
GPU: ATI Radeon HD 4830 512MB
OS: Windows 7 x64
Updated GPU drivers - no effect.
Selected minimum graphics settings in LFS - no effect.
Tryed to change almost every setting in LFS - no effect.
I did a video capture of a problem I have. You can clearly see LFS freezing: LFS freezing
Last edited by Juozas LT, .
Reason : Added link to video.