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S2 licensed
98- SRT-Wasrun abmeld

ich weiss nicht ob ihr meine abmeldung kurz vor dem letzten rennen noch bekommen habt
S2 licensed
the qualification starts in about 30 minutes, so join our server an race with us :-)
S2 licensed
Realname: Tobias Walter
Username ( LFSW ): waldi88
Nationality: Germany
Are you going to attend 100% sure?: (pi^3) + (42 * 1,64) as %
S2 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :gmt+2

18:45 GMT+2 is a little bit too early for me

end of work in your timezone for me is 18:20
S2 licensed
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Times?
18.00 Event Starts
18.45 Qualify starts ( Always 20minutes qualify)
19.35 Green Flag ( NO ROLLING STARTS)

what for a timezone?
S2 licensed
Quote from Jonathon.provost :I would race but I am steward for NDR GT1WS 24 Hour Race. Good Luck.

did you mean this race?

24h of Kyoto Grand Prix Long w/Boothy Chicane - KY3B - 2-3 February 2013

because this is at 2th February to 3th February and we drive at 23th February
S2 licensed
no server admin = no race

i think the league is dead
S2 licensed
Quote from joshdifabio :
Daylight saving time comes into effect in most of Europe during your season – has this been considered?


no i forgot that the timezone will be changed.

Race 1 to 5 will be in UTC +1
Race 6 to 9 in UTC +2

S2 licensed

it woud be nice, if you add our second saison to your database. If it possibile you can change the first saison as "Season 1" because its the same league.

Spirit Longrun Competition
Season 2
20120118 Round 1 with FO8 at BL1Y
2000 Qualifying for 15 mins
2025 Race for 2 hours
20120201 Round 2 with UF1 at FE1X
2000 Qualifying for 15 mins
2025 Race for 2 hours
20120215 Round 3 with MRT at SO5
2000 Qualifying for 15 mins
2025 Race 1 for 1 hours
2130 Race 2 for 1 hours
20120229 Round 4 with XFR, UFR at KY2X
2000 Qualifying for 15 mins
2025 Race for 2 hours
20120314 Round 5 with LX4 at SO1Y
2000 Qualifying for 15 mins
2025 Race for 2 hours
20120328 Round 6 with RB4 at AS7Y
2000 Qualifying for 15 mins
2025 Race for 2 hours
20120411 Round 7 with FZR at WE1
2000 Qualifying for 15 mins
2025 Race for 2 hours
20120425 Round 8 with XFG at KY2
2000 Qualifying for 15 mins
2025 Race for 2 hours
20120509 Round 9 with BF1 at AS4X
2000 Qualifying for 15 mins
2025 Race for 2 hours

Race 1 to 5 will be in UTC +1
Race 6 to 9 in UTC +2
Last edited by joshdifabio, .