First and Last name: robin lowik
LFSW username: cyclo
Team name: /
Team tag: /
Team nationality: /
Desired carnumber(01-99):05
Driver nationality: netherlands
rony thank you for everything nice everything was nice sorry for my bad english i HOPE SO MUCH that you will make more events because everything is so clear and nice specialy the results are nice haha :P i hope it so much that you will make kind of again + less laps XD
thank you
greetz MTDZX-cyclo
First and Lastname: Robin LowikLFSW Username: cycloTeamname: master team driver zero xtreemTeam Tag: mtdzxDate-of-Birth: 30-05-1995Nationality: NetherlandsCountry: N/a
i have some cool layouts and stuff but now kevin is not online he was made a fight with me rik and antti and he gots a perm ban on CAD because he was insulting me and stuff what we need to do now ? i dont have a server tonight