All these 'cruise' servers use autocross layout thingies right?
So, if the master server could somehow detect the presence of a unique identifier-type object, it could allowing filtering for any server running a layout that includes that unique object (perhaps a speed sign for 'cruise' servers - who knows). Anyone could choose to either see or not see that type of server using the normal in game filters.
Add another unique layout object for, say, cruise servers and you can see how extensible this is.
I wouldn't imagine it would be a lot of work for Scawen to add the necessary code and for Eric and he to add the relevant objects - maybe that could really expand the autocross & layout side of LFS at the same time, adding a greater variety of objects useful to the various alternative uses of the core product - and any new genre of servers could be catered for by simply adding a new layout object or two.
LFS would, of course, have the default for all these genres to be 'off' in the browser list.
p.s. Hi everyone