What kind of team are you looking for? Race
Age: 35
Country: Finland
Preferred Car/Track: xfg, uf1, fox, rb4... not very good with gtr cars
Average Laptime on Your Preferred Car/Track: BL1+XFG 1.34, As1+UF1 1.07.5-1.08, WE1+fox 1.35 FE5+RB4 1.11.5-1.11.7
How Active Are You? about 2-4 races/week maybe more maybe less...
What Kind of Control do you use? logitech driving force gt
Time Zone: GMT+2/EET
If the team has 1 or more drivers from Finland... it would be great
Some of my race results can be found here
My current team:
Best laptimes: