- Team history
Over 1000 days old
8th position individual standings in polish league - pllfs
Own demo ligue
OLLFS 2006 - 14th in individual standings
Nations Cup 2005 - few members in polish team
many team battles
-Number of drivers
-List of drivers DFH| Aniula DFH| Chaos DFH| Lont DFH| Marta DFH| Matheo DFH| Nemek DFH| Rolf DFH| Siwy DFH| Tommi DFH| Tomos DFH| X3N
UNACTIVE MEMBERS DFH| Joanna DFH| Krzychu DFH| Nascar DFH| Patrycja
Just wanna send a big G'day from DFH - Drivers From Hell
We are International racing team. The team was founded spring 2005, but key members of the team have a lot of experience in LFS and Racing Simulation in general.
If you want to join to our team, visit our website: http://www.dfh-team.tk
or forum: http://www.dfh-forum.tk
If you just want to meet us for a bit of fun, you are welcome to join our public servers: DFH| Racing server and DFH| Racing server S2