Well this morning I woke up got changed,ate my breakfast ,got on the bus(which runs on rat poison judgeing by the soundtrack) and went to school.Where I sat in a 3 period long assembly listening to the school band playing clarrinets(which also sound like the run on rat posion)and humming songs about the easter story while at the same time doing a very good impression of a desstresed cat.I came home from school(on the bus which runs on rat posion) ,got changed went out to play football for a coupe of hours ,and then came back home to play on a drift server on LFS.
I pulled away in my shiney red FZ50 ready to paint huge black lines all over Kyoto GPs newly laid tarmac( and tear up some of the grass while I am at it.)but something didnt feel quite right.Where was all the other FZ50s? or the XR GT Turbos? For some strange reason people were sliding around in LX6s and RACs.So I decided not to be the odd one out and gave it a shot and what happened changed my top 5 LFS cars for ever.Look what suposed "twitchy","undriftable" finnish mid engined sports car came out on top .
#1 RAC
Superbly ballanced and has the most quick,crisp,direct steering of any car in the game.Also at 3500 rpm in 3rd gear under full thorttle it makes a great gurgling noise which makes you wonder if we really do need new engine notes for all the cars.