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I can help you with Spanish version. Just tell me how
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Which are those Westhill textures? :O

I want to adapt them to Blackwood :P
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Quote from DANIEL-CRO :As far as I know only available option for mirror antialiasing is 4x. I have noticed that in fact is possible to accomplish 8x too (not in LFS), but that only works while forced Super Sampling is used. Seeing your screenshot I cannot see option for antialiased mirrors. Possibilities are you are still using old 0.6E patch or simply your graphics card does not support antialiasing on render target. Just because you have 8x antialiasing for main scene does not mean you have any on mirrors. Perhaps you mixed normal and mirror antialiasing

As I already said there are some default settings whose default values are wrong as well some settings just don't make much sense and perhaps could be droped out.
Music in menus, etc... is nice in begining and can entertain some, but with the time well I wouldn't say it become boring but most of us prefer to turn it off. All I want to hear while driving LFS is simply just pure sound from cars, I don't even listen to music while playing LFS. Its default value make sense IMO, and nothing should be changed there.

As I dont have any FPS issues I always set all graphics settings to maximum. My checkpoint text is off simply because I use the one from LFSLazy which is more detailed and include speed and sector.

One more thing what I think its wrong is Load track when starting. Infact not only default value of yes, but IMO this option is absolutely unneeded. Most of the time you just load another track and with the new randomized weather there is need to reload track almost always when joining server.

Sound Lag - Not sure if most even understand purpose of that one. Well, to simplify explanation imagine you have some kind of sound buffer. Each time when DirectX updates frame, it updates that buffer too, where sound that will be played between frames is stored. That sound lag is like a lenght of that buffer. This means if you have sound lag set to 0.05s, that a new frame should be updated in a shorter time otherwise you will get cracking sound effect. 0.05s means that FPS should never fall below approximately 20 FPS (1/0.05). Ofcourse most of use tend to have less sound lag, but then in extremly low FPS situation you get unwanted effect. Most of other games don't have such an option as far as I know, but its value is dinamicly set based on your FPS, which really is not a problem. Basically you write one formula instead of taking a constant value.

Minimum sleep - that should be dropped out as well IMO. As Flame already said thats like the time for which LFS doesn't do anything, neither CPU neither GPU. Of course using lower value is better on performance side, for example my PC at 10ms sleep does like maximum of 80 FPS, while 1ms sleep almost to double FPS. That option is useless for most of the users that don't even know what it does, the one that know just keep it at 1ms. Perhaps setting internationally to 1ms, and while LFS is in background increase it slightly (~10ms).
Setting this value to 0ms will not always cause 100% CPU usage (1 core) (or GPU) because you can be GPU bottlenecked which result in lower CPU usage and doesn't make much of a change, also frame limiter will limit CPU usage so again its not a problem...

I wasn't talking about mirror antialiasing dude. When Flame created the survey x2 and x8 overall antialiasing wasn't available for me, so I told him to edit it.

I don't care about sound, because I use LFS CSR

In minimum sleep i have it set to 1 ms.

Sorry for my bad English
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Quote from Flame CZE :It is available there for me

Oh, when i did the survey it was unavailable.

Change my vote to x8 aa then, if you can.
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Quote from Flame CZE :You mean to mirror antialiasing? That's added now.


This option is available on the majority of mid-high end graphic cards nowdays. Idk why doesn't your HD 5770 have it too
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Quote from rosewood2 :The person who opened this thread is from the Czech Republic. Flame is from the Czech Republic too and he decided to explain it all to him in their national language.

Quote from Flame CZE :Pouvez-vous parler en anglais, s'il vous plaît?

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Quote from Flame CZE :As a reaction to the discussion in the Cockpit View thread, I have decided to make a survey using Google Forms. There you can post your LFS options and compare them with others.

Let's see how this goes

Fill in the survey here
Survey results
Google-generated statistics & charts

Add x2 and x8 antialiasing to the survey please
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Quote from Flame CZE :What's wrong with my post? That I wrote it in Czech?

There is no problem on that, but the majority of us in this forum aren't Czechz
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Quote from Flame CZE :Prodávát již zakoupené LFS licence je zakázáno. Jediný legální způsob je zakoupit si licenci na oficiálním webu Stačí mít platební kartu s podporou internetového bankovnictví, nebo mít známého, kdo ti koupí voucher a ty mu za to zaplatíš.



Selling of already bought LFS licenses is forbidden. The only legal way to get an S2 license is to buy it on the official site You just need a credit card with support for online banking, or have a friend who buys you a voucher and you pay him for it.
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Quote from Jatimc :well i got banned there fast !

Just like as I said
This is what a group of southamerican kids is doing in a public server
Demo licensed
They do voteban everyone that is not a part of them, I have been banned twice without any reason.

Today I joined the server again and got banned, I attach the replay to this message

You are free to join the server and watch it by yourself, it's called MehDemo.

I'd like to join that server because it's the one where i get the lowest ping.

Thanks in advance
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Quote from Chriship :How can this be usefull on this thread? Stop posting crap here, if you dont have anything to say, move on or just get out.

Thank you

Excuse me, but this thread is useless itself
Demo licensed
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Garbage, shadows, garbage, ... MSAA
I made a quick comparison of 8x Multisampling AA vs 8x Supersampling AA

All screenshots are 3x zoomed.

CLICK ME ! ! !

- edges of textures are far smoother
- no weird lines on road (easi ... hen using hires textures)
- starting lights are cleaner and no flicker
- trees are much nicer, as wel ... ing that hold power lines
- fence, just perfect

Some might say it uses much more GPU, I agree on that, but if my 2-3y GPU can handle it... why not? Setting MSAA in drivers is quite buggy when using SHIFT+F4, official would be better

Hmm. I had never tryed to do downsampling in LFS, thank you for the idea!
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Quote from Eclipsed :And that because of the missing shadow LOL :uglyhamme

But a hole texture behind the pole would make it look better, that's what I mean
Demo licensed
Quote from Flame CZE :I think was told some time ago that Scawen and/or Eric don't want any external help when it comes to textures. Who knows.

Secondly, Lynce is not active anymore, and I doubt he has enough spare time to dedicate it to LFS.

And by the way, what's wrong with the pole you circled, diego9972? That it doesn't have a shadow? That should be a Scawen's job. I remember him saying he would like to improve track shadows at some point, but I don't know if it's simple/possible to render shadows of movable objects.

No, I mean that it looks like as if it were floating LOL :uglyhamme
Off Topic : Textures
Demo licensed
I'm not sure if someone have posted this already, but:

This are the only issues that make LFS look a bit "dirty" sometimes.

If not too much to ask: who makes LFS textures, Scawen? I think you can ask Lynce for help, maybe he could assist you

Last edited by diego9972, .
Demo licensed
Maybe 2025 or so...

PD: Yeah, I know I'm a demo driver, I'm just still waiting S3 to buy the 3 licences at once... Since 2009
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Quote from Flame CZE :Pouvez-vous parler en anglais, s'il vous plaît?

Quote from kdo :On attends tous désespérément la scirocco et la physique des pneus depuis 2009. C'est vrai qu'on pourrait dire ile foutent quoi c'est long, mais faut pas oublier qu'il sont que 3 a faire le jeux et c'est pas des professionnel a la base hein

Donc faut rester calme et attendre qu'ils nous dévoilent des photos ou même un trailer.

Quote from CarlLefrancois :la faute est nullement avec le simulateur qu'il voit une "mort à petit feu" comme tu dis. la faute est avec les consommateurs qui ont choisit des produits inférieurs. si nous ne sommes pas capable de voir ce qu'il y a de meilleur et de rester avec ça par quoi par manque de nouveauté? c'est notre perte si ça fini là.