All readings taken on single player, Blackwood GP Track, clear day, no AI cars, internal (drivers) view in the LX6, AA and AF both set to 0.
All displays set to 1280x1024 = 14fps
All displays set to 1024x768 = 22fps
All displays set to 800x600 = 31fps
All displays set to 640x480 = 37fps
Center display at 1024x768, side displays at 640x480 = 30fps
Center display at 800x600, side displays at 640x480 = 36fps
System specs in case you are curious:
Windows XP Media Center Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon 2500+ Barton 1.833GHz CPU
ASUS A7N8X Deluxe nForce 2 Motherboard
1GB DDR 333MHz (PC 2700) RAM
nVidia GeForce 6600GT 128MB AGP video card (dual VGA out)
nVidia GeForce FX5500 128MB PCI video card (single VGA out)
Thanks Kegetys for the awesome work on SoftTH! You rock, man.
I picked up a third monitor, and PCI video card the other day. I now have an nVidia 6600GT AGP (with two VGA outs), and an nVidia 5500 PCI (one VGA out) attached to three Dell P1130 21" CRTs.
I just wanted to say to anyone (like me) who doesn't have the money to upgrade to a PCI-e motherboard (because it also means buying a new CPU, RAM and video card), that AGP+PCI works great. You just can't go any higher than 2400x600 (800x600 x 3) or the framerate gets choppy.
I assume this is due to the lower bandwidth of PCI not being able to take that much uncompressed image stream fast enough(?), as cranking antialiasing and anisotropic filtering to max has absolutely no effect on the framerate. I don't mind the lower resolution personally, because it still looks great with 8xAA.
The only negative I've noticed is that LFS doesn't work properly with the BorderSize setting changed. I get around it by leaving BorderSize at 0, and moving the screen geometry of the left and right displays in, until the gap is effectively masked, but it would be nice to do that in software and keep the displays whole. Hopefully Kegetys can work with the LFS Team to get that hammered out.
Anyway, once again, thanks for the great work! Three monitors really make a ton of difference in LFS. Now I just need to figure out how to drive without understeering off every other curve.
Thanks for the reply! I did try SoftTH, but unfortunately it doesn't appear to run without actually having a third display. It errors out with the message "Cannot retrieve monitor info for device 1 (left)".
I would like to run Live For Speed across two displays, but with the view center on the left display and the front-right view on the right display. Think of it as if it were running on a triple-head setup, but the leftmost display of the three was just switched off. Is there a way to do this?
I can get Live For Speed to run with both displays, but the "center" is between the monitor bezels, and it's unplayable. I have tried playing with view rotate in the options menu of Live For Speed to, but it never looks quite right, as the perspective is very skewed.