Qualy: I think the one lap solution would be very exiting! Mixed Grid etc, the reasons are all above...
Race: In the last OWRL F1 Season the strategything was very different from other series, sometimes 3 stops were better, sometimes 2 stops. This was fun. Otherwise theres nearly no strategy if everyone has to pit only once. If the races are under 300km there will be no big strategydifference.
SC: I took part in the last 2 rounds of LFSCART. In my opinion the SC stays out too long. The Effect was cold tyres and boredom... Do we need SC???? IN LFS theres no debries on the track, if a car lies upsidedown IRL its badly damaged and not able to race anymore. And the SAFETYcar-driver drove very unSAFEly... It was more like an UNSAFETYcar, haha, not very realistic.