This movie tries to state that in LFS (and real racing too I think) it's more important to have a good close race than actually winning it. I've had a few finishes like the one in this movie after fights that lasted for rounds and rounds, in the end it doesn't really matter if you win or if you fought for 10th place. Your heart beats like mad, you're sweaty and you just had so much fun!
You know Rallyracing cars? Most are WRC cars without the restrictions and then some more fintetuning. They are going into the 600bhp these days, also 2000cc inline 4's.
It's amazing what you can do with turbo's.
And 140 BHP out of an 1.8 is nothing special I would think. My Alfa Romeo 33 has an 1.7 with 135 bhp stock and you can make it do alot more quite simply.
I know, it doen't really mather what system you pick. In this case, because I didn't know if everyone sees their stats in metric system, I chose for this method because it is the same "formula" as miles/gallon, which I thought was the standard in "imperial" countries.
Last edited by imprezzer, .
Reason : something went wrong quoting :)
I thought that the results would be pretty close so a big surprise, maybe because you drive the uf1 alot.
I have another explanation: you won 6 races of 451 finished while I won 121 out of 950. I think you need to push the loud pedal somewhat further down
In these hard times for car enthousiasts were you can be frowned upon for having a car with a real engine (and going bankrupt, that is), I thought I'd look up what my fuel efficiency was in our most beloved sim, looking at the total amount of driven kilometers and total amount of fuel burnt. In my case it happened to be:
1:2,972 (2,972 km/L) or: 8,386 (miles/gallon)
Time for a new Tree-lovers contest: who is the cleanest driver
But, back to topic yes. If this actually works it would be rather nice, and might save you some bucks for a Track-ir. I think I'll try it some time, see if it can come close to a track-ir setup but I have my doubts. The system of turning to left but having to keep facing the screen is a bit strange at first but most get used to it. It becomes a second nature. You know the test they did once were they gave a man some spectacles that showed everything upside-down. After a short period he was used to it and saw everything normal. Human brain is a wonderfull thing, although on this forum it sometimes doesn't show...
It works, you just don't want to have someone walking in your room because you look like an idiot
In my view a very realistic experience is a part of the enjoyment. some parts of real racing don't have to be simulated because they take up a lot of time that most of us don't have but I think a more realistic approach to for instance starting and changing gears would be better. That is what I like about NetKar, however I don't play that near as much as LFS.
In terms of things like the view you use, I don't think that matters alot, I always drive from the in-car view but the experience doesn't really change.
I've set my DFP to 820 degrees, I don't know how I got that value, probably a mistake a long time ago
I think it's great that LFS adjusts the lock-to-lock value's when you get a real-racecar but for the road cars i love the 820 degrees. It gives me great control. It also makes sure you are a smooth racer, because it's not as easy to get away with all the tail-throwing-throttle jamming style that is quite fun but not really fast.
In racer, which I use for touring mostly I use the full 900 degrees while in RBR 500 does the trick for me.
I might be wrong here but I thought that stiffening the rear would make it even more tailhappy. I think you'd have to stiffen the front or lower the rear...
This is exactly why they don't race them IRL. Although it would mean making the topless version rather useless, it would probably be the most realistic thing to do.
However, I always have a lot of quite slow fun with these machines, and I couldn't really be bothered with it.
I think this is true for a morgan since it's constructed already as a cabrio. However with a car like the UF1 -or most road cars with a cabrio version for that matter- they have to chop the roof of, but because the roof was a important part for structural integrity they have to strengthen(read add weight) it on the chassis.