I have tiscali....no problems logging on to a host but i do loose sound, lfs crashes or the computer just hangs on a very regular basis.... my system is good enough to play Battlefield 2 with no problems......could it be tiscali?
one thing i have just noticed is that after crashing the error report says I am running windows NT when i am actually running XP. My version of XP is an upgrade of NT.........
latest update. Ive just downloaded the latest sound drivers and played online 4 about 30mins with no problems.
I havnt overclocked the pc, i wouldnt know how, i cleaned the fans out a bout 2 weeks ago and i run my pc without the covers on...
CPU Temp 52 degrees System Temp 21 degrees
I am still unsure wether the prblem is now cured because i can be playing for an hour or more before a crash so i will let you know at a later date
there is no pattern to it crashing, online, offline, during a race, between races it dosent matter, after 1 min or 1 hour, it has no time pattern either...... its got me beat... thanks
every time i play lfs the game will almost certainly crash, leaving me with a blank screen and a stuttering engine noise. Some times it will just freeze with no sound and sometimes i will lose the sound untill i pit then it will come back again.
I have reinstalled, upgraded my graphics card, checked for virus, malware, cleared out my registry... all to no avail.. any ideas please.......