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S2 licensed
Ok, well my dad and I took the heatsink fan off, and sure enough it was caked with a layer of dust blocking the fins. We cleaned it all off, and the temp has gone down about 10 degrees. Problem is, its still 55 degrees. Is that too hot?
S2 licensed
Quote from Lateralus :That's your graphics card temp.

Oh, oops. My bad. and to reply to flymike91, its under a desk, but its been that was for about a year.

I find it really odd that this has started happening just within the last couple of days, when it seems like everything is working ok. I guess I'll just have to try to get my PC shop to get it fixed.
S2 licensed
Ok, well I checked the nVidia Monitor, and it says that I'm running at 50 degress. So I'm not really sure which one to believe.
S2 licensed
I've checked, and it appears that all of the fans are working properly, but my CPU temp is still around 68 degrees, which is 8 degrees over the maximum recommended temperature. I'm really not sure what to do at this point other than contact my local PC store and see what they can do.
S2 licensed
Oh damn! I just checked my temps, 2 of the cores are at 74 Degrees Celsius, and Temp 1, which I believe is the main temp, is 67 degrees. I'm guessing thats high because it has a picture of a flame beside it. So what should I do to cure that?
S2 licensed
I just tried running a race in rFactor, and I'm getting the same issue. Very odd considering I wasn't having this problem just a few days ago. I'll try downloading Speedfan, and I'll check the temps.
Last edited by karter24, .
S2 licensed
I checked the task manager and there doesn't seem to be anything running that would cause the FPS to be dropping. I'm really stumped here.
FPS Goes Down as I Play
S2 licensed
Hi, I'm having a weird FPS problem. When I start a race, with a full grid of 20 AI cars, I start off with about 50 FPS. It will stay that way for a while then start to go down to 40, then 30 then 20 and so on, until I'm getting like, 1fps. And if I start a race and am getting 50 FPS, then drive about a lap, then restart the race, at the exact same point where I was getting 50 FPS, I only get 40. Each time I restart it gets lower. The only was I can get it back to 50, is to restart LFS, and then the same thing happens.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My system specs are these:
Intel Core 2 Extreme 6800 3.00Ghz
Dual Nvidia 7900GTX

And I play at 1680x1050 resolution, with all graphics levels full.
S2 licensed
Turns out im just an idiot I thought all the layouts were for the autocross arena, but just noticed that some are for the Blackwood carpark.
Layouts Dont show up ingame
S2 licensed
Ive done exactly what I am supposed to do, put the layouts in the data/layout folder, opened up the autocross track in single player, pressed Shift+U and clicked load layout, but the layouts arent there. Its just empty. What am I doing wrong, this iis really frustrating me. Any help would be greatly appreciated.