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S3 licensed
~200 HP doesn't sound that boring to me (almost twice as XFG). But what do I know, one of my favorite cars is UF1... Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from MicroSpecV :Been on S2 for around half a day, noticed that there's a lack (or complete desertion thereof) of Open wheel racing servers. I've seen B2R, but is there a dedicated strictly FBM/FOX/F08/BF1 server, like how theres a dedicated FBM servers in Demo?

If yes what's it called, and why is it deserted,
and if no, why isn't there..? Is there a lack in the openwheel community? Frown


I'm afraid you won't find a server like that on S2, at least with decent amount of regular racers. If you want some more serious openwheel action, look for scheduled events.
Last edited by MarcisZ, .
S3 licensed
Quote from R1hard :It's completly legal to torrent stuff. He who uploads is responsible. Maybe in some few countries that's too illegal. Care to specify what exact law did crack users break?

You still dodge real problems.. and clearly you didnt understand what buyers market is

What? No, as soon as you download a file that is protected by copyright - you are breaking a law. I don't know about which countries you are talking about, but at least in all "civilized" ones there are laws for that.
Well torrents as such are not illegal of course, you can use torrents to exchange freeware or whatever you want that is not protected by any copyright stuff.
S3 licensed
Quote from jujek :Pereulok get more users becouse for unlock LFS You need only 5min (propably even less) so this was very nice way to get it free price is not as big as you thing im sure you playing more than year and i'm sure if you will be collecting money for whole year you will can but this game and good wheel. You're cracked user and you complaining about community? yes on cracked servers community was very bad anyone was do what he want. and if you don't like this all thing why you come here and want still play this game?

You just keep repeating same thing at every similar topic.. enough.

Cracked servers - it's not the main reason why official servers are empty, that's bullshit.
This guy summarized pretty well what are the real reasons for dying community and decreasing player base. Of course, nothing new for most..
S3 licensed
Quote from BeNoM :"Not really. In real life it's true mostly, but in LFS there are very rare occasions where this actually makes you noticeably faster at start. I don't think it's a problem at all this time. Can verify it easily on drag strip.. Full throttle all the way!!"

What? Lol

Launching properly with minimal wheelspin will definitely make you have a faster launch in LFS AND real life...

You're probably not very fast on the drag strip then kek

If you have a setup with 1st gear adjusted well (and race setups usually should have it), then long wheelspin won't be a noticeable problem even with full throttle Smile
My point was that in this situations start is the least problem obviously..

And yes, I'm probably not fast on a drag strip, but I'm fast enough when the real race starts Smile
S3 licensed
Quote from BeNoM :
That's probably why you can't overtake anyone, launching with a lot of wheelspin slows you down quite a bit. Try launch halfway through the rev range and keep the wheels on the verge of spinning, but not actually spinning. You'll launch much faster and get to 1st corner quicker.

Not really. In real life it's true mostly, but in LFS there are very rare occasions where this actually makes you noticeably faster at start. I don't think it's a problem at all this time. Can verify it easily on drag strip.. Full throttle all the way!! Na-na

Quote from BeNoM :
If you really can't pass them on your own, you can try using tweaks to speedup you car Wink

That's just a "great" advice to a guy who is practicing racing.. Confused

I suggest having a look on WR or any other decent hotlap replays on BL GP. It's very hard to learn something by reading "how to do" on forum, best way is by watching in game how it's done, see the braking points etc. Of course it's still a bit harder when you are not alone on track Smile
Last edited by MarcisZ, .
S3 licensed
Yes. Haven't noticed any problems.
Just make sure to get the right driver/software, as it can be challenging sometimes... As I understand DFGT works only with older version of Logitech Gaming Software (actually called Logitech profiler), this should do it (5.10):
S3 licensed
Well, I have the DFGT for two years now and shift buttons works without problem still. Wheel and the steering itself is quite OK. Had G25 previously, of course it had more power in FFB and feel of the wheel was more realistic overall but otherwise it's not that big of a difference. Biggest flaw in my opinion for DFGT is pedals, to be honest they are bad..especially can feel it when you have tried at least G25/27/29 pedals before. But then again - we can't expect much more for the price.
As a positive side - all the buttons on wheel are very handy, that's actually very important when the keyboard is not easily accessible while racing.
Last edited by MarcisZ, .
S3 licensed
Quote from pasibrzuch :By the way of filters topic. Any chance to add Drift servers filter/mode same as for cruise?

Well cruise servers I guess are filtered by checking those who have /cruise=yes (driving in both directions allowed). Not sure by what condition drift servers could be filtered at the moment.
S3 licensed
Quote from Eclipsed :
Results tomorrow!

There is always a new tomorrow... Smile
S3 licensed
LFSW name: MarcisZ
In-game name: [STO]M.Zandmanis
Full team name: Sex Tourism Organizers
Nation: Latvia
S3 licensed
The only thing I'm hoping for is that those "few weeks" won't last for year(s).
S3 licensed
LFSW name: MarcisZ
In-game name: [STO]snoWyy
Full team name: Sex Tourism Organizers
Nation: Latvia
S3 licensed
I was already forgotten how much fun crashing brings to me This time luck turned back on me, but still . Thanks for the event
S3 licensed
LFSW name: MarcisZ
In-game name: [STO]snoWyy
Full team name: Sex tourism organizers
Nation: Latvia
S3 licensed
Thanks for the great event
S3 licensed
First and Lastname: Marcis Zandmanis
LFSW-Username: MarcisZ
Teamname: Sex Tourism Organizers
Country: Latvia
S3 licensed
37 - Mārcis Zandmanis - Sport - RB4 - LVA
S3 licensed
Real Name: Marcis Zandmanis
LFS license name: MarcisZ
Country: LVA
Number: 37
Team: Sex Tourism Organizers
Car: RAC
Last edited by MarcisZ, .