Try to upgrade wine to the latest version. For me, the color buttons don't appear until I pres Ctrl. For me everything works, clicking codepage, symbol table, color buttons. Also I can change color by pressing Ctrl-<number>.
It works for me, Ubuntu 8.04, wine-1.0-rc1. Wine used to have problems with modifier keys (alt, ctrl, shift) when specific keyboard layout switching was used. If you use more keyboard layouts, try disable all of them but english. Or try to change switching method (e.g. alt+shift instead both shifts....).
Replace "inpout32.dll" from the GI's directory (folder) by inpoutx64.dll from the x64 directory. I.e. remove inpout32.dll, copy inpoutx64.dll to GI's dir, rename to inpout32.dll. I can't test it, though.
It's not, from my point of view, because the code with indent level 10 is unreadable.
I teach beginners here at university. So I know, that some of them has problems to discover, how to use 'break' and 'continue' (and 'return') correctly. But they should learn these statements from the beginning, I think. A beginner should see the right coding style in a tutorial.
I rewrite the_angry_angel's code according to my notions, see the attachement. Warning: I did not test the code!
Thank you very much! I have some remarks:
- What is the licence of your code? I bet, that it's public domain, but it should be mentioned somewhere.
- There is a nice c++ sockets library (under GPL, _not_ LGPL though), so no need to do TCP buffering job in a real project. I understand, that for tutorial application is better to have all the code in one file.
- Some flowchart could be helpful, if you would spare time to create it :-).
/*the rest of the text can be safely ignored*/
I have also pedantic comment to the coding style used in the tutorial (and in many program sources here). The 'else' keyword is used very often and unsuitable. It causes the indentation of the code to grow over 10th level.. E.g.:
while (ok > 0) { if (test() == FAILED) { ok = -1; } else { <a very long program on indent level #2> if (some_other_test() == FAILED) { ok = -1; } else { <a very long program on indent level #3> .... } } }
Compare it with the following:
while (ok > 0) { if (test() == FAILED) { ok = -1; continue; } <a very long program on indent level #1> if (some_other_test() == FAILED) { ok = -1; continue; } <a very long program still on indent level #1> }
Actually, there are only a few cases in a real program, that require the 'else' keyword. In my example, I should use the 'break' keyword instead of 'continue', because the loop breaks at the point. But the test '(ok > 0)' could be more complicated.
Thank you again for your effort , please don't bother too much about my coding style pedantry .
Hi Kalle,
consider also other option, with some microchip able to communicate over USB. E.g. this by MMos (the rsc site is down at the moment), it's based on pic18f4550. It's more complicated to build it, but you whould have a lot of on/off pins as well as PWM outputs for tacho, speedo, etc... There is support for LFS and the MMos's hardware.
I'm not sure, if multiplexing wouldn't be too slow. I mean, you would notice "lags" between e.g. tacho in LFS and you hardware.
PWILLARD: With COM port, one needs additional hardware -- some controller able to handle with rs232. If you decide to go this direction, I would recommend to choose controller able to work with USB and use USB. There are some examples over internet, how to create DYI USB HID device.
fifasxxi: it works with RBR. I don't have the GPL licence, maybe in the future....
I also work on a new GI version initialized by InSim, so it'll work with other InSim addons like LFS relax.
Do you have set OutGauge Mode 1 in cfg.txt? If you use Vista, you need the different version of inpout32.dll. Go to the Win32 folder and run InstallDriver.exe. I'll add a notice about it to the GI page soon.
Maybe you need to set a different LPT port in GI's config.txt, the number (default 0x378) can be found in Windows Device Manager. Look for the card and click "Properties".
the_angry_angel: Is the version from this post the latest one? I'm playing with it under Ubuntu, but with no success ATM. Could you always edit the first post and add the up to date link there? Thanks :-).
Ctrl+Alt+F1, log in, $killall LFS.exe (or the hard way: killall -9 LFS.exe), log off (type 'exit' or press Ctrl+D), Alt-F7. Ctrl+Alt+<plus sign on numeric keypad> or Ctrl+Alt+<minus sign on numeric keypad> changes your desktop resolution back to normal. There are simpler solutions (without switching between X and text console), but they depends on a window manager you use.
Add WineHQ APT Repositories as described, this allows you to have the official up to date package on Feisty.
Maybe this helps. Search for Section 6: "Passing and Returning User-Defined Types". (Disclaimer: I have never programmed in VB, so I can be completely wrong ).
LFS doesn't use insim by default. Maybe you have it in script/autoexec.lfs. Anyway, it can be checked by typing: /insim (with no parameters). It should give you: "Insim not initialised".
You probably use Insim to communicate with some Insim program. When you set /insim <port>, the 'OutGauge Mode' is set to 0 (and overwritten in the cfg file). So you cannot use Insim and Outgauge in paralel :-(.
SetEnvIf User-Agent ^MSNPTC/1\.0 BAD_MS_ROBOT <Directory /docroot> Order Deny,Allow Allow from Deny from env=BAD_MS_ROBOT </Directory>
I did not tested it, just a guess, no warranty :-). Notice also Ian.H's post about a new IP range.....