Your REAL Name: Randy Young
Your LFS Licence Name: phatdragonx
Requested Car Number (0, 2-99. Car Number 1 is reserved for the 2009 MiniFBM Series Champion): 18
Your Country (Full, no country codes): USA
Your Team: Privateer
You must have been really impressed with my drafting skills at the end of the race, yes?
What could you do? I was almost stationary on the racing line and you were in traffic. Hell, it was my fault for being there so I should be the one apologising.
Team Affiliation: Something Awful Racing
Driver Real Name (First AND Last): Randy Young
Driver LFS Licence Name: phatdragonx
Car Number: 74
Gender: Male
Country Code: USA
I'm having a problem where seemingly random skins become incredibly low resolution, to the point of looking pixelated.
It's not every skin that has this problem, the majority of them are fine. I've tried reinstalling lfs, and replacing the persons skin, but no luck. Anyone have any idea what's up with this?
I signed up late last night. I haven't been confirmed yet but I'd like to get in on this practice session since I'm kind of a noob at oval racing. Is that okay?
I thought I recognized your name there. I was at the league night too and made it into the fastest group. I started 6th and made my way up to 3rd place fairly easily before I was blatantly taken out by the guy behind me. You would think the fastest guys would race fairly, but I guess fast doesn't always equal race craft.
Anyway, my friend and I have also been to Ocala Grand Prix ( which is better than TBGP, except they don't have timing for the rental karts . It's also about 1 1/2 hours away from me which makes it an all day thing.
I'll probably show up at TBGP next month. I'll just have to qualify in first place to avoid the retards.
I would also like to know how to do this, I searched really quickly but didn't see anything. I've been tracing and pinging every website I go to, with zero packet loss or whatever people think is the cause of lost connections.
Also, I found this. He appears to be having the same problem
Alright, I just downloaded LFS at a nice steady 800kb/s. I installed it, restarted my computer, unplugged my connection and let it reset itself, then tried to join some servers.
I can't join any of the Redline servers, empty or with people.
I can't join Gentlefoot's server
I can't join the LOTA servers
I can join the Fusion Fox server
I can join the Cone Dodgers servers
I can join the City driving server which is in the UK I think
I can join the UKCT server
I can join the 500 test server
I can join the Bara server which is in Germany
I don't know about that. My connection works fine in other multiplayer games like Battlefield 2 and Counterstrike. No, I can't join the LOTA (US) servers, but I can join the CHOPS HQ server which is in Canada I think. There doesn't appear to be any kind of pattern to me.
I'm going to try and reinstall LFS completely now.
Yes! It's good to hear (I guess) that other people are having this problem. I also can't connect to Gentlefoot's server, the Redline Racing server, and I'm sure a bunch of others. It doesn't seem to matter if the server is full or empty. I've reset my router, checked for packet loss to various websites using Ping Plotter, and restarted LFS over and over, but nothing seems to work.
This also has only happened since I've upgraded to patch X. It's also pretty weird that everyone in this thread who has the problem seems to be in the Southeast US