Thanx for explanation. I've set 1.44.50 and it is on site now. I've sent reg form. But received no confirmation to the email. Is it ok?
And btw, maybe it's a good idea to put a list of confirmed registrations somewhere on site?
I know. But as far, as I understood from league site, you can not register for league until you are in stats. That's the problem - I made a number of laps, but I'm NOT in stats.
I entered server, made a couple of laps, which were registered by LFSWorld, but there are no stats on league site. Why? Does it mean I can not join league?
I wanted to make avi of replay from, let's say, "T-Cam". I set the custom view (Shift-U), but when car turns, orientation of camera remains as it was - it doesn't turn with car.
Is there any way to bind camera orientation to the car's orientation?