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S2 licensed
Something with some balls.

We dont have to pay for gas in LFS... whats the deal with these 2 liter 4 bangers? What kind of GTR runs a 2.0L anyways?

So sign me up for GroupC, Killer-Bee's, or an old-school Can-Am or Trans-Am car.
S2 licensed
I have an ACT-LABS shifter dealy, and it works fine. It detents into gear, so it holds the button down fine.

The issue I have with it, is that no combination of "throttle blip" and/or "cut on upshift" settings work.

If you have "throttle blip on downshift" set to ON, then it will blip on ALL shifts, because it can not distinguish which way you will shift. (as soon as the shifter goes to neutral it says "oh...shifting!" and hits the gas). The result is that you over rev on upshifts even if you physically lift your foot off the go-pedal. (and even if throttle-cut on upshifts is set to ON)

I dont find PC pedals to have enough feel to manually match revs for downshifts, so the "throttle blip" is a good feature, but it cannot be used with a gated shifter or the XRR goes to popcorn mode by the end of the race.
S2 licensed
I always hated the LFS RWD physics.

Now they feel damn good.

Corner speeds seem about the same, but the transient behavior is much improved. They dont "grip like crazy" nor does it "feel like an arcade game". Remember that increased difficulty != realism. They only feel easier because the old behavior was so random. So. uh. drive faster or something?
S2 licensed
Quote from skiingman :This is not true. I highly suggest you read a layman's treatise on the physics of this. Tune to Win by Carroll Smith is old but very good.

Stiffer springs result in less weight transfer. Outside of considerations in dynamic camber control, softer antiroll linkages are better.

From Carroll Smith's Tune To Win:

"The greater the resistance of the springs, the less roll will result--but there will be no significant effect on the amount of lateral load transfer because the roll couple has not been changed and there is no physical connection between the springs on opposite sides of the car. The same cannot be said of the resistance of the anti-roll bars. In this case, because the bar is a direct physical connection between the outside wheel and the inside wheel, increasing the stiffness of the anti-roll bar will both decrease roll angle and increase lateral load transfer." 38.

I've no idea why I just quoted that.