Did you read my post really well?, because you didnt understand it too ?
What i said about posting multiple LFS Edited pics on this topic?
as example multiple LFS Edited pics, if you do this than choose the best one. (just one pic not the whole gallary with pics on post that is made and edited by you)
Second thing: 2 of the 3 LFS Edited pics are early posted on this lfsforum..??
Why you dont making a LFS Edited pic specially for this Photo Comp as me?
* dont you have the motivation or sense of time and care for it to make one specially for this photo comp or?*
Because that is actually the meaning of this comps actually..
Again the pics arent bad too, but you got a lot more chooses or possability to make something different between other LFS Edited pics..
* i mean not only that LFS crashing pics that are made a lot this days and a question that could help, what do you dont like about LFS actually more than crashing cars... maybe you could improve your unlike things of LFS...
I hope you understand my right now and i hope it will help you further even with future editing of games...
Second thing maybe its a good plan that the date of completition closes, when Erikito is back active and online.
Maybe it could be a good second chance for some, but The LFS Edited pics of Erikito and Rockclan is already finished to be vote soon for me...
Gordon666 not bad LFS Edited pic but im not sure if it could be useful for LFS S3, maybe some details as example the ground but actually your LFS Edited pic are going about heavily weather situation...
Yes, i know.
I tried to contact him days back, but he is unactive for days and here...
Second thing some understand the whole idea wrong as example multiple LFS Edited pics, if you do this than choose the best one, again it need to be something really different between LFS S2 and not just overplaced car on a real life pic or use a pic from a other game thats it...
actually this photo comp is really wrong understanded...
I though actually that this idea could be something interesting for people that really has experience with Photoshop and more to make something with a meaning and really useful things for The Devs from LFS maybe?
It doesnt to be a simple and quick work, just take your time to do it and keep gonna for the details and good looking that supposed be in LFS S3.
It is actually possible to make it, if you have money ofc.
The base can be a Austin Mini i think, because this actually a look like version of the Austin Mini thats simply to see same for UF-1...
It is actually the same body design and size, but it is possible and maybe cheaper than most replicas or build cars..
Next thing is this on my LFS Edited pic is a bit too low or you need air ride, but thats increase the price or you need normal high springs... xD whole story about a car as a book :P
I did search car designs with nice body lines and fit them together to make a mid class UF-1 called as UF-S and designed by me.
My meaning for this design was to make a small/compact, sporty and aggresive look. I just try something out and puzzled together...
*This was actually old pic from year back of a LFS Cruise meeting in WKD.*
I did only finish two of the pics from this meeting in WKD server.
This happens when you know how to work with textures.
This video was meaned to have something OLDSCHOOL in it as example the oldschool people that still playing LFS for years, Drift Teams, OLDSCHOOL Music and Styl....
Thanks very much, nice to hear that you enjoyed of my vid
The name of the song is Nowy Mercedes Klasy A_ Muzyka z reklamy (Damien Damien - Y Shape FULL VERSION),
if you watched it till the end you will see the name of the song.
Thanks, but no i think my video self was a bit laggy, YouTube gave my video a bit bad quality and maybe sometimes fps problems on youtube can be, because i tried to get a lot in the vid as example effects.
This my last vid of 2012.
The moments with Team WiLD DrifterZ in 2012.
The reason why my video was late on youtube, because i had big problems with rendering the video.
The DriftMania is a Drift Game on Android phones .
I did used a Track of the game to make a layout for Live for Speed , but i did changed few things on layout for more fun .
This is my first layout made by me.
I learn how to make a layouts... maybe soon will be more layouts made by me
I hope you like it .