Qually went well for me considering all four laps of practice that I had. Got wiped out at T1 which sucked, but had some good battles with Steve-30, shame we were not further up the grid.
Had to skip race two, take the wife to hospital for a follow-up.
I watched the replay and wasnt sure what the fuss was about. It was an agressive move no doubt, but TBH if you know someone is going for a move like that you either make room or run the risk of contact.
I overcooked it into the chicane, I could either try and make the corner, hit the kerb too hard and possibly take both of us out, or cut through the grass. Its not the way I wanted to finish but its was the lesser of two evils IMO.
I didnt gain a place, I was already infront and running quicker, albeit slightly on both counts. On the lap in question I posted a 1:46.38 and you posted a 1:47.82. Theres no way in hell I gained that much of an advantage through that corner.
Do tell me more, im not sure what you are referring to.
Duly noted. Like I said though, I didnt deliberately cut the corner. I tried to make it and figured it was safer to go in the grass. Wasn't really expecting to make it out in front of him TBH.
I was pretty surprised with the amount of heavy contact last night. I has some GREAT CLOSE races running up to round 1 during practice. The odd rub and nudge is no biggie, but there was some heavy stuff going on last night.
Bandwith is actually not that important. Latency is however, ie your pings. Basically its how long it takes for a request from your computer to be replied and delivered to your machine. This is affected bya few things including many "hops" your packets have to take and how long each of the hops take. You could have a 10Mb connection, but if it takes 500ms for a reply the game will be unplayable.
You could try a tracert to the server IP from the command prompt to track where the packets are going and how long its taking to get there. Heres an example of my route to lfsforums:
C:\Documents and Settings\TGT>tracert lfsforum.net
Tracing route to lfsforum.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 10 ms 10 ms 9 ms 2 10 ms 8 ms 10 ms 3 10 ms * 10 ms 4 10 ms 10 ms 11 ms te-8-1-ur02.minnehaha.mn.minn.comcast.net [] 5 9 ms * 9 ms te-8-3-ur01.minnehaha.mn.minn.comcast.net [] 6 11 ms 9 ms * te-8-1-ar02.roseville.mn.minn.comcast.net [] 7 28 ms 27 ms 27 ms 8 28 ms 28 ms 29 ms tbr2.sl9mo.ip.att.net [] 9 27 ms 29 ms 30 ms tbr2.cgcil.ip.att.net [] 10 27 ms 27 ms 27 ms ggr2.cgcil.ip.att.net [] 11 1152 ms 30 ms 27 ms 12 28 ms 37 ms 35 ms ae-32-56.ebr2.Chicago1.Level3.net []
13 41 ms 35 ms 36 ms ae-1-100.ebr1.Chicago1.Level3.net []
14 59 ms 54 ms 53 ms ae-2.ebr2.NewYork1.Level3.net [] 15 50 ms 50 ms 51 ms ae-62-62.csw1.NewYork1.Level3.net []
16 54 ms 53 ms 55 ms ae-61-61.ebr1.NewYork1.Level3.net []
17 121 ms 125 ms 126 ms ae-4.ebr2.London1.Level3.net [] 18 122 ms 118 ms 121 ms ae-22-54.car2.London1.Level3.net []
19 1633 ms 118 ms 119 ms PACKET-EXCH.car2.London1.Level3.net [] 20 120 ms 118 ms 119 ms loncat01-ge-lon01.core.netline.net.uk [] 21 117 ms * 1865 ms lfs4.hosted.netline.net.uk []
On the other hand, if things are generally fine for you on this server it may have been a temporary issue with one or more of your "hops". EG if a router went down along your traditional route, the packets may have to be sent through another three routers instead, killing your pings and destroying your gaming. Downloads however would not be majorly affected.
Do you have exclusive access to your internet connection at home or are there others sharing it?
Irishnoob's spec is OK from the looks of things, but I thought id point out that with the bigger-than-ever grids, lower-spec machines will have difficulty maintaining framerate and as a result will lag, irrespective of internet connection.
QFT! The sidewinder has optical sensors instead of pots for movement tracking so theoretically it doesnt wear out. Paid 50e for my in Dixons three years ago and have done about 12K miles on it. The rubber the missing from the wheel but it works fine otherwise.
That said, hope to have a G25 in the next couple of weeks, three pedal goodness
/edit lamb-of-holy-jeasus-christ Leprekaun, 60K miles on your LFS profile!