if i see this replay , i see not only the speedhack , he is abel to reset all damages and have very good grip ,
the speedhack all will see , but the cheat of physiks isnt to see that easy
same u can have on S2 cruise server too...
there is not that diffence too ...
if u think they not right , leave the server and look for a better one .
finaly its on you if you agree there doing .. u can leave
if they not agree your doing they can kick ban ore what ever..
for racing u must look .... the main problem is the bad race behavior from most drivers , fast and slow ones... very often its a wreckfest at T1 ore hotlapping in a race without rules...
i mostly read here about the autoclutch vs macro ...
but is with that cars that not uses autoclutch to shift ?
FBM for exampel , there u need to lift trottel ore press clutch to shift at the upper gears ...
but if i see they can switch from 5th to 6th gear without trottellift . ore it was faster 0,01sec ?
they do alot of things with the macros , so its not to discust the differences betwen macro or autoclutch ,
even by the FBM makes it very big different by shifting .
for that we need a statment from the defs
voting not ever helps , and if he have few frends at server too, u got urself baned .
you can upload mpr here ? (Valid file extensions: bmp col dds doc eng gif jpe jpeg jpg lyt mp3 mpr odt pdf png psd raf rar set spr txt zip)
the working of wracker baricade i not know , and i havnt a link ...
finaly only admins can ban chrashers for long time .
sometimes i gave tham restrictions by lapper (100kg+50%, by autokick) , it works fine . but needs time to edit .
a replay analizer for mpr is in my opinion wanted .
even to find some short speed hack pushes .
tham not to find normaly , only if they use it directly .
i think at moment some use this by scripted shifting .
than its not to see that fast . only the fast rise up rpm after shifting for 200-300rpm .
found by luck 2 of that fast rising up 200-300rpm , using speed hack too ,
if they thought non is watching tham .
(i have the replays if wanted)
P*V = n*R*T and set this to P*V/T = n*R by n and R are ever constant !!
by T (cold) ~320k and T(warm) ~ 350k + ther is a different at 10% + only by seeing
so P*V must rise up same % to get n*R = ever konstant numbers .
there is already programmed how round the tires are going by changing pressure , that formular we not know , the rest is only physiks
the main idea is good , but at moment the problem is that most demodiver not use the Y18 patch ore removed it ,
may of reason that not enaught racers , ore fear about final longtime Ban .
at moment i must say are the servers who contain demo settings are mostly empty