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S3 licensed
I didn't know calendars work 6 months at a time, or in this world, a patch at a time ( currently time is standing still )
S3 licensed
Quote from amp88 :Pretty blatant trolling thread, so reported for that. Take a look here for more info on the state of LFS.

25th November 2009,
How is that more current?
Scirocco not available to drive [not a bug. its just that i am a plonker]
S3 licensed
Hi, not sure whether this is a bug or not, but Scirocco is supposed to be available in LFS two years ago.
It still isn't. Fix the bug thank you please.

I have been seeing pictures of it over two years and in the viewer over a year. I though this was a racing simulator not watch a scirocco simulator
*flame suit on*
S3 licensed
Pardon me, but is there a way to increase font size? Currently it is very small and since I prefer to sit back, my eyes get tired rather quickly.
Kei Office Racing is celebrating its third anniversary
S3 licensed

I'm glad to announce that Kei Office Racing team is celebrating its third great year in drifting! The third year was most successful with many wins in various high and low level competitions and I'm very much looking forward to our next year!

The team itself was founded in 2005 by myself and Sami, who now has left the group. Since then we have had most fun in drifting in general and we have also had some very exciting races.

I'd like to thank our past and current members for making this happen. Thanks a lot lads!

Due to myself being very busy with school nowdays, I have only made skin to celebrate this day

S3 licensed
Quote from 1303s_vortech :Blah-demo-users-BlahBlahBlahBlah can't use bespoke BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah...

Got it?...

Why hostile, are there not any more civilized manners left?

It's not important where do you paste them, place them anywhere you want.
S3 licensed
I get that error when closing the application.
S3 licensed
I'll just list up the errors I get:

Error inside 'WriteCarMemory'
Error when changing engine size
Error when adding too much power
S3 licensed
Anybody else having difficulties saving the presets?
S3 licensed
It is due back in 2008, waiting anxiously, can't stand this drifting hating forum :P
S3 licensed
Riders Motion, please save our minds and not post here anymore, you're welcome to join Tristan's and Ian's club.

How is a drift car built yes? Very simple:

Top level drifting car

I think more power, steering lock, racing looks for XRT is enough here :P

And about the bodykits, they are usually widebodykits to accomodate wider wheels to increase track, not look stupid.
S3 licensed
Quote from df_limitless :Sorry to hear that you do not know how to drive a car.

Patch Y is awesome.

I second that
S3 licensed
Lets just give race cars way more steering lock and road tyres, that is pretty much what top level cars used in drifting are like :P
S3 licensed
Not sure whether this is the right place, but:

Tyres are not inflated after deflated ones have been replaced:
S3 licensed
Quote from rainspecialist :if it was private it wouldnt b a s1 downloader that says INITIAL D downloads

It is private, I made this and you are not allowed to use or edit it.
Also, it is not a blitz skin, it is called DS2005

See, can you not read?
Last edited by motary, .
Brake caliper colour issue
S3 licensed
Simple explanation of the problem:

On XR GT Turbo


Is there to fix this, besides changing it into red?

Red calipers such a cliche..
S3 licensed
Does 1.13.90 serve you guys? I have tad left, if not :P
S3 licensed
Surely, sounds like a common excuse but my throttle pedal was stuck to the heater pipe behind it today when practicing
S3 licensed
Kei.O Siim

is in
S3 licensed
Bespoke can be used online, that is, if the host uses same preset.
S3 licensed
S3 licensed
Quote from jibber :Hahaha, Siim! Those must be some old pics!
Is this me in the back there?

Yep, your old smelly arse in the background

I love that last pic @spacemarine
S3 licensed
Quote from Mika_Raymond :every pack i have downloaded there has not been ONE single rim i like..

you know what im gonna say next

..that you are going to make a rim pack with good rims?
S3 licensed
Great skins!