It was a nice race for me. The longest race stint my action of LFS

It was not easy
to keep pace and concentration. One mistake with [GFR] I'M sorry boys.( exhaustion ) Interesting and fun finish with Lacko, Patrick here and BL1r

))good job. For this OEC 2016 i can thank Organisers

and one big thanks Przemek

)) (cq.arco) BL1r was awesome

. I was watch replay many times.
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Hard luck was such a low attendance 45 register teams / 13 team in game
Community of people makes the game good and LFS was best game and wonderful people.
I experienced a lot of laughter fun exciting racing duels. Thank you for all. The End
I'll make a video from all rounds OEC. I hope someone attend last round

when it's ready I send here or fb youtube link.
Good bye