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S2 licensed
Thanks everyone, ill dig into the problem, and maybe just make some new setups but would be cool to run the old ones Big grin
Old setups
S2 licensed
Well hello everyone

Its been a loooong time since i wrote my first post in this forum :O

With a good friend of mine we decided to dust off out LFS accounts once again, and give this great game a second chance of life Smile

I have from my old, like OLD, LFS folder all my skins and car setups, i can the skins working but my setups arent working anymore wich makes me a bit sad...

Is there anyway around this problem so i can get my setups working again ?


S2 licensed
Stupid me where is the "Load" button ?!

Great tutorial btw shame the pictures are so small i cant see em
S2 licensed
Yeah made for GTA SA

As i wrote before i hae no clue how to do it i got the permission from maker to convert it hehe
S2 licensed
darn it then

Is there then some hope to save the car in another 3d format than DFF and TXD ?
Modeling cars into LFSviewer
S2 licensed
Hey all

Just found a good model of a car that i need some help remodel and maybe import into the LFSViewer and make a template for skinning..

The original car is saved i *.DFF and textures are in *.TXD and i have no clue how to do such thing like remodel into another game

The car im talkng about is an old 1991 Volkswagen Golf II with good details on
Maybe we can stick our heads togheter and change parts and so on make a cool render

Send me a PM if interested
S2 licensed
Sign me up im allways fresh on ideas sound effects crazy drivin and so on hehe
Cant calibrate my G25
S2 licensed
hey all

Got a problem here i cant calibrate my Wheel i have tried to do it from windows and from the profiler
The wheel turns full 900 degrees on selftest and then it stops allmost at the end to the left i can turn 3 times to the right but only ½ time to the left ?! and i cant callbrate it dont got the button "callibrate"

Sorry for my bad english hehe
S2 licensed
and one more juat hit a wall
S2 licensed
trying out the new racers :S
S2 licensed
wasent there cd in the package because i used the cdrom and updated afterwards no problem here and im on vista and had no problem at all in XP
S2 licensed
maybe the wrong color for a coca cola car
S2 licensed
trying something new will upload it when its total complete
how does it look
S2 licensed
Some feedback will be nice
Last edited by Blackmax, .
S2 licensed
Quote from Sponge :Those flames are really nice

Quote from Dalek0220 :+1 i like it.

Thanks guyz
S2 licensed
Just a little thing i made a long time ago
S2 licensed
Ive tried to use the tools in the program im uising but theres absolute nothing i can do or else i have to create it from at lot of circles and that will take a loooooong time when i have to create and delete andthen create again but the car looks like this right now
S2 licensed
A Small remake still the carbonfibre is to big but i cvant find any small carbon template so here it goes ....
S2 licensed
Quote from t0fuya :hopefully this will help. i used that image you provided and lined it up as best i could.

Looks superb can u minimize it to 1024x* and maybe make the line that points backwards a bit thinnner ? ill try this one and see how it looks

Great job

S2 licensed
Quote from teaz-R :use the pentool or shapes to make that curve

Hehe as i told u i dont use Photoshop because its to hard for me to learn i dont understand many of the setting so placing me behind photoshob is like giving a racedriver blidfold and make him go down the track

thats why i need help
help needed to finish skin
S2 licensed
Hey lfs'ers

im quite stuck here... i need to make a decal on the side of my car i have the decal but i cant make smoothe running lines, or bending lines so my decals allways look edgy...

Now i dont use photoshop, i think its to wierd to understand for me i have tried to learn it but with no luck ...

So now im turning to you, the community, to ask if you will help me get the decal right with the right bends and so on

ill upload the original Decal ive made and if you can make it fit onto fz5 1024 x 1024

You dont need to make all the boxes flying around i can manage that

I hope to hear from you

Regards Blackmax
S2 licensed
Quote from Sponge :Seems to come along pretty good Hang in there!

Yeah i will but i can see i have to remake the carbon bumpers trunk sideskirt and then i have to find a pro so i can get the sidedecal more rounded right now its edgy thats the thanks for not using Photoshop can be ill start all over from scratch again
S2 licensed
One i did ages ago did try to remake the skin from my Gtturbo and think it went out well but now im working on it again so i might be uploadet someday
S2 licensed
Quote from MODern SPEED DEMON :Hey Speed demon here...ok so it begins i was getting about 30fps on my Dell 1.5ghz,512ram PC then now all i get it like 8fps the highest being around 14fps whats wrong...and yes i leave my PC on all night and all day...and yess i have cleaned out the motherborard and everything like last week got all the dust out but no chage...please help

You forgot to mention your graphiccard DirectX version blah blah blah you know else try what i did turn off V-Sync ingame that gave a big explotion in fps.
S2 licensed
Quote from gohfeld23 :That's great to hear man. As far as AA and AF, they are:

AA= Anti aliasing (removes jagged edges)
AF= Anisotropic filtering (easiest way to put it is that it smooths out games)

You can set these at the nVidia Control panel under "Manage 3D Settings"---->Program Settings------->LFS (you might need to add it as an application)
If you are getting 200 with standard settings and Vsync off, try setting them ass high as you can leaving Vsync off and see how much better you can make the game look while retaining good FPS.

Glad you found the culprit.
Have fun

My game did look much better with all on max but it did also cost some FPS with everything on max i did score bout 130 - 150 Fps depends where on track but my picture did came out like this with eveything turned on to max