Hi everybody.
We from GRT have a question about rule number 8 and we would like to see what the other teams think about this.
During the last race on Aston historic one team has got one driver over the 40% of the total of laps that team has driven. Also this driver was their fastest driver.
I have sent a PM to the MOE organizers and they gave me a reply which has not been satisfactory after discussing this with my team.
Let me say beforehand, that I also informed the MOE about an error concerning our own team (we were forced to shift-s once, though were not penalized for this).
In the rules discussion you say this rule stands without questioning. Stating this to prevent the best driver to do more laps.
In the answer you gave me in the PM you also say you are very strict about this rule.
But................you dont handle according to your own rules. No sanction, not even a public warning, nor a discussion to let the public know why you ignore this, even when a participating team tells you about it. In the PM you tell me you are going to discuss this with another admin, but sofar you havent informed us about any decissions from that discussion.
Now get me right, we dont bring this up to gain a place, cause like I said, we should be penalized aswell.
The team with the one driver doing 43% is 3 laps ahead of us, if we get our penalty, this will be 4, if you than penalize that team for driving over 40% we will both be at +10 laps, but that team will still end before us cause I think you will than decide the fastest lap counts (which they did).
Also as an answer in the PM I got you say "it were only 4 laps", how much is 4 laps??? Its a lot if you are the 1th team, cause team 2 would have won.
Also, what if their fastest driver (and obviously than the best) would not have driven over 40%. Would a slower driver have given us the possiblity to gain on them? You will never know, all this is speculation as it is also speculation you tell me it doesnt matter for final standings.
So I ask, what will you do in the future if this happens again? Will you than penalize it? But what if it is us? Will you penalize us although you do not penalize a team ending before us?
We are looking forward to a reply, from annyone. Also I hope the team this concerns understands that this is only brought up after I did not get a satisfactory reply while keeping it private.
And as stated before, we wont gain a place cause we still earn a penalty ourselves