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free to good home - racing seat frame
S2 licensed
I have a home made welded racing seat frame with places for:

Pedals (adjustable for leg length)
shifter (G25)

seat is electric adjustable (seat from an old vauxhall calibra)

It needs to be collected from Oxford.

If you're interested, e mail me at info @
S2 licensed
FE Gold / XRT
S2 licensed
I like the STCC system and while I don't (any more) think it should be a mandatory part of LFS, I would like it to be more visible to beginners. I had been playing LFS for well over a year before I found it. It revolutionised my very narrow view of LFS (must get a better lap time at BLGP in the fox) It would be nice if there was an option within the GUI to join or not join an LFS endorsed progression system. Some people can race endlessly for no other reward than getting a good position. I think anything that makes you want to overtake the guy in front more has to be a good thing. In real life there is a whole lot of motivation to get a better position. In LFS there is more points towards that next license. I know it's a fictional prize...but it's a fictional race environment! Some guy got his gold license the other night. He was clearly over the moon and other racers were congratulating him. I liked that.

Well done Becky and co. Keep up the good work, it's much appreciated.
S2 licensed
There's a physics card on the market I was wondering whether this would have any effect on LFS, or does the application need to be programmed to make use of the card?
S2 licensed
LFS is so good that it would be more honest if my racername was 'sim racer'
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Set it up like this. All the other settings should be turned to 0%, because they are Logitech effects which have nothing to do with what LFS calculates. On the contrary, they interfere with LFS' calculations, severely changing the feel from the way it was intended.

Very helpful reply! Thanks!
S2 licensed
Quote from Gimpster :Anyone that does not allow some margin for error is a wreckless driver

HA HA! I liked this one! I think you meant reckless!
S2 licensed
Quote from NikLaw :I changed my wheel settings to 100/0/0/0/540 in the CP and to 20 % in LFS and I have to admit that I seem to have more car control because of more feedback. But I have to use the soft FF (Select-R3-L1). So I learned something and this thread wasn´t useless!

Why do you have these other sliders set to 0/0/0/? I've always had mine set to 100% but I don't really know what they do.
S2 licensed
Congratulations! What a great event!....Just begs the question...when is the UK going to have a similar event? PR for LFS would be enormous, bringing many more racers on-board.
S2 licensed
Quote from need :Back left - I think it's 'goode400', and not sure but I'm fairly sure it was Dave.

Not me! I'm third from right
S2 licensed
Thanks Bob! Had a great time. Didn't expect to win a race but....I did! (ok, so it was only first place in the duffers race but it felt good anyway!)
Great to meet some LFS fans in real life.

Congratulations to the trophy winners. That last race was great to watch!

Bob - you didn't take off your shoes before getting in my car. I had to vacuum the passenger side carpet when I got back.
S2 licensed
Quote from DragonCommando :I still think you'r not getting what I'm saying, The real world is 3d, no matter what each eye sees it as.

your monitor image is FLAT no matter what each of your eyes see.

You can not get the same depth with an imageing trick as you can with the real world.

If you had the glasses you'd see it, some things still seem flat, they just look layered with gaps in between, thats all.

I don't have them, but I' heard alot about them. Don't get me wrong they work, but they still can't give you that true 3d realisim that you experiance every day. No matter the detail of the game, it's still rendered as a flat image.

FYI I have a 3D projection system and I can honestly say that the 3D is EXACTLY the same as real life 3D. The only difference is the graphical quality and the resolution. There is no sense of being infront of a 2D screen whatsoever. The dashboard is right behind my wheel and the next bend is 300 meters away through a wide bright hole in my living room.
S2 licensed
Quote from srdsprinter :Welcome to LFS!

It really is refreshing to see someone new here really enjoying what he/she has stumbled upon. Makes me think back to when I found lfs...

As far as word-of-mouth advertising, everyone's too busy racing LFS to communicate with the oudside world...

No, I've tried...I bet loads of us have. You know, you sit your mate in the drivers seat thinking 'he's going to love this!'. He floors it and spins at the start. Then he screams off down the straight and piles it into the barrier at T1..takes ages to get back on the track...into the gravel at T2 and gets stuck...then (his male driving ego wounded) declares it a crap game and goes back to killing stuff on his favourite first person shooter...Very depressing. There must be a better way to introduce newcomers to LFS.
S2 licensed
Welcome! We've all been where you are today. Thanks for the reminder!

See you online.
S2 licensed
Quote from Ricou :Kegetys has just released the version 1.05 of SoftTH, which implements cylindrical correction !

Unluckily, I don't have a 2nd graphic card to test it on my 3 screens...

By 'cylindrical correction', do you mean that the image can be adjusted to look right on three screens that are not in a line on the desk but a front, left and right views?
S2 licensed
Welcome Funnybone! Being a young pup, you'll be near the front of the pack in no time!

Thumbs up Thumbs up to the philanthropists!
S2 licensed
I don't think I'm addicted...but my wife has re-named me 'back of head' maybe I am just a little addicted.
S2 licensed
Quote from Meanie :Thanks for the tolerance, Sam!
You can move it now as you wish.

I surely would.
But i'm from Brazil so things could get messy.
If you've got a price, PM me anyway, ok?

The shipping to Brazil might cost more than its worth.
S2 licensed
What a world! Philanthropy is so unusual that it's treated with suspicion!

Don't know what your mum thinks we're going to do to you but really sorry to hear that.
S2 licensed
In that case, does anybody want to buy my G25 pedals? I don't need them. (got a home made set with a load cell brake pedal)
S2 licensed
Just keep playing. It doesn't take long to get used to the new sound of LFS.
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :He must sign an agreement not to join any City Driving or drifting servers.

EDIT: Or get a WR within a month would be good too.

He just has to promise to stay behind / let pass any car with a smarties skin
S2 licensed
Come on guys lets have a whip round to get this kid his S2.

Funnybone - Post your e mail address and I'll start you off with £2 via paypal.
pitch and rotate...binding possible?
S2 licensed
Don't know if this is possible but I'd like to have the pitch and rotate functions bound to keys in the same way as the zoom is bound to 5 and 6.

The reason is that I have this great projector setup in which I can see the dials through the top of the steering wheel like in a real car, but each time I change car I have to fiddle with the view to get the dials in the right place. Hotkeys would be a great help.
S2 licensed
I want it to become huge! On other games there are thousands of servers with people playing. Want to race the LX6 at Westhill? choose one of the 20 nearly full servers running it that day. Doesn't that sound better than hotlapping alone because you're part of an 'exclusive' community?