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(5 results) ASP Challenge May 6th...
S2 licensed is hosting the Virtual Autocross ASP Challenge this Wednesday, May 6. The sever will open at 8:00 a.m. CST and close at 12:00 a.m. (midnight) CST.

Hop in to your favorite turbocharged street car and dodge as many cones as you can! What will prevail ... the insane grip of AWD? The bite and stability of FWD? The tried-and-true RWD? You've got 16 hours to tune and test them all! Race results will be posted here and on Have fun!

Available vehicles:
Allowed Modifications:

Pass: xenduro
TeamSpeak Info
Server IP:
Pass: xenduro
Can you point us to this app???
S2 licensed
Would you be willing to share your script? We ran a really nice event with 10 people at my house a week or so ago and we would like to expand the next event to the net if possible. We can't do that with this start issue though.
S2 licensed
It seems like updating the code to follow the real life rule set would be so simple. They have already taken this to the point of being so close to the actuall rule set it's a shame that these little issues really take away from
the overall experience.

Oh well, guess we will just have to do it ourselves then.

If anyone has any suggestions on hwo to make any of the things I rewuested wrok within the LFS environment please let me know.
AutoCross questions???
S2 licensed
I am wondering if it is possible to introduce the Christmas tree from the drag strip into the starting sequence for autocross? I would like to be able to set up some pro solo style courses on the Autocross arena area. In order to do this I need to be able to use the christmas tree and setup the start for 2 cars.

I would also like to figure out how to remove the 2 second penalty for pointer cones and possibly be able to place the cones inside a chalked box just like real life. If we could get this set up and be able to brush a cone and not have a penalty unless it is knocked down completely or knocked outside of its box along with not having penalties for the pointers we would then have a fairly close aproximation of the SCCA rule set for Solo2 and ProSolo.

I know this last request is nothing more than dream, but here goes.
I own a software company and I would love to add some real life Solo locations to LFS. Is it at all possible to add circuits to the game?


Great Courses!!!!
S2 licensed
These really capture the feel of SCCA AutoCross. Very creative use of Chicago boxs and some insane offset and widening slaloms. I've been AutoCrossing for about 22 years and these courses nail the feel of the real thing! You guys really want to learn car control that will translate directly from LFS to your real car, this is where you should be.

Thank ye sir!