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Demo licensed
Could someone re upload please?!
Demo licensed
again can upload please?! thanks
Lapper & ISRM cause lag?
Demo licensed
hello people how they are doing, I tell them I have a
server with 11 players drag in total and Lfslapper
ISRM and it may be that the ISRM and lfslapper
cause considerable lag?.
I Connection 3mb download
and 0.50mb upload

Last edited by Bass-Driver, .
Demo licensed
Thank you very much!
[Solved] ping limit
Demo licensed
Hello forum people are going to want lfslapper ask if you could make that when I get a ping for example 0.20 we kick out automatically and a message to the user saying that lower the ping

Lagmaxoption = 0.20
/ * Action if the ping of the player is over 0.20 for example
/ spectate {username} Check your connection, Stop downloads ....

Is this possible? Thank you very much for your attention
Crash Detection
Demo licensed
Hi folks good day to know whether the lfslapper can detect if someone collides with other users and give you a warning that if it hits again kick the user, this can be done is that I have not much idea of how to do it D:

Thank you very much and sorry for the inconvenience
Welcome Sound
Demo licensed
Hello as I will ask if they wanted to lfslapper can run a sound file into my server, say for example "Welcome to my server" but audio is possible?

If this is how it should do?
Thank you very much, sorry for my bad English