I have been asked to vote on if this is a good thing or the possible death of LFS.
It certainly it is a shame that some feel it may have come to this, and maybe the LFS community as a whole feels things are not that bad - yet. But in a sense, the wider the community support for this initiative the better for LFS users as a whole.
I agree the banning system must be seen to be fair and allow genuine keen but idiot drivers some redemption, taken as a given and should really be a defence against those deliberate wrecking Emos who just enjoy the mayhem they cause until they are booted.
Of course the questions are on how to ensure this, and that driving issues do not spill into banning issues.
I do think this should take the form of server owner/admins grouping together to build a ban database and collectively decide how to tackle the situation and how they approach the developers for support.
SamH and others are obviously far more aware of the problem and the solution. Certainly an expansion of the collection of the data between server admins will help, and maybe that will proove to be enough to issue a Group ban rather than review of individually sent in replays. eg the persistent wreckers will show up very quickly by the regular occurance on the banned today shared listing. (or whatever is used or shared) after all it is the persistent wreckers we wish to eliminate, saviour from idiocy is another issue.
Within our community it is obvious the will is there for the community to look after the driving aspect of online behaviour, and maybe whatever this initiative system is called, it will police the communities general online behaviour.
We all, teams clubs and hosts, will need to watch progress carefully during the implementation, as those servers who are not party to the collective group wide ban will become known and singled out by the wreckers. On the bonus side as the ban is community wide smaller servers will not be individually targetted.
Once this does take hold, then the community has a strong voice to the developers to include the database management and ban implimentation into the server software, (even if that just becomes an INFO option symbol {VSQPR mp} in the multiplayer server-listing) therefore meaning all servers become eventually protected and the wreckers will become a thing of the past.
The alternative to this is of course fully private passworded servers, and that would be even more of a threat to LFS community.
Lets be open and welcoming and tolerant as a community and then beyond a firmly defined line, we share all the tools and data needed to ensure we stay that way.