Hi All
The thing that people seem to be missing is that most genuine newbies practice offline anyway. There are a lot of us newbies out there capable of taking the faster cars round a track online without crashing into someone and obeying certain racing rules. Why should myself and others be forced into taking lessons when the option is there for us to learn offline and under our own supervision. Lets be blunt here, games where you constantly have to jump through hoops and complete tasks with pin point accuracey before you can play properly are shit.
Another thing is its becoming a little insulting to see we are all being treated as 'noobs and wreckers'. Like i said in my other post its ashame that the more of these posts i read the more i can see there is an element of "them and us" "experienced vs inexperienced". I am beginning to wonder wether i should of taken note of Steve Wand's review afterall. I am sure if he is still reading this and other posts like it he has a smug grin on his face right now.
Another thing is i just cannot beleive that all the pro's out there started playing like Pro's as soon as they plugged the wheel in. Surely you all started off and worked your way up and surely you all crashed a few times by accident. I wish i had £1 for everytime i have seen crashes at turn 1 and elswhere in car racing caused by drivers making mistakes or loosing their heads, or am i watching different races to everyone else ?
On a final note you all harp on about realism in LFS but your not prepared to accept that genuine accidents will happen in races

? we are not all robots and forcing people to take tests to play the game online will not prevent accidents. All it will mean is new people will not be prepared to buy the game and new developments will slow down or stop due to lack of funds.
Just permanently ban the real ars* holes, stop being nice to them and giving them chances because they sware on mommy's life they will change. Then leave the rest of us genuine newbies to get on quietly and learn the game ourselves.
Kindest Regards Tim