Maybe we should look at some other options to get rid of the wreckers.
One thing I tought of at work today:
Including the drag strip in the demo. Maybe just the 4 lane , not the 8 lane.
Don't flame just yet , let me explain first
When I was still playing on the demo server , I noticed a lot of demo drivers were using the straight on Blackwood as a drag strip. They set up at the run-off area , 4 cars next to eachother and drag race. Usually they crash into any car that is actually racing laps on that server.
If the demo included the drag strip , drag race wannabees can race there , and leave the others alone on the track.
Plus , putting the drag strip in may convince some of the demo racers to buy the game. Once they notice they can drive a 490hp car on a 8 lane drag strip , they could get interested.
Just my 2 eurocents. What do you think ? (you can start flaming now)