Every cable,electronic, even your IPHONE is made in china and there is nothing wrong with that :P
and they all use same (most cases)components and same specs, well most cases.
But cable its just cable, only difference when it comes to quality is if it has shilding or not in it.(think coaxial cable with shield around the centre pin) that minimizes any picked up or radiated noise. 2m extension is ALOT lol. You pretty much have an antenna not a cable that picks up everything that radiates in your car lol. Alternator most likely.
My cable is about 1m and i still get that restart.
if it works for you now thats great stick with it. just put ur iphone in flight mode if noise buggs you.
If you wanna keep your extension, add a cap to your VCC pin (it will act like a filter, filtering most unwanted oscillation. or add shilding on the entire cable length.