Associated press release:
"Osama bin laden who had been in talks with the much respected sim racing team, known as the south city cab company, was earlier this morning killed by us special forces. This will obviously come as a big disappointment to those hoping to see the renowned international terrorist plying his trade around the twists and turns of south city in the next round of the OLFSL.
Yet to be confirmed reports suggest that the Al Qaeda front man was busy tweaking his MRT setup at the time of the attack. In accordance with Islamic tradition for a quick burial after death the bearded fruitcake has been dispatched at sea along with his beloved momo"
Hi Ant,
Had a couple of momo's myself, pedal problems developed with both wheels, don't have either anymore. I'll keep my eyes and ears open for a cable, good luck with getting back on track.
thanks for the help, I've updated and installed all motherboard drivers, seem to be suffering some sort of system lag, might try another hard drive, thanks again.
having recently formatted my hard drive due to hardware issues I am now unable to connect to lfs online servers without either massive lag or disconnecting imediately.
My broadband connection is fine, I'm now running out of ideas, any help with this problem would be greatly appreciated.
I've had pedal problems on and off for a few weeks now(logitech momo) I took the pedals apart and tried to glue the pots in place but could not get the accelarator to max throttle, the brakes were also coming on of their own accord during racing. An hour before the race rather than not turn up i decided to go using the wheel only, converting buttons to throttle and brakes. You saw the outcome. Just glad i did'nt ruin anybodies race as i struggled with the controls during my brief appearance. For the race around fern bay I advise other racers to give me an extremely wide birth as i am yet to decide on my mode of propulsion.
in trepidation