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S2 licensed
Quote from badeend :@tenwierdufos, your lucky you are still alive :mischievo saying no to UKCT BF2 is:tombstone :haha:


Ahh well, they love me too much

And yes, i know this was a very late reply....
S2 licensed
One word for that post, and its a cheezy one.


, sorry, i didnt mean to say it
S2 licensed
lol go john, stopping whole conversations with his wisdom
S2 licensed
nope this was me vs dave, then it turned into me vs dave and you when you removed my points momentarily! and now its just me being stubborn =]
S2 licensed
oh well, cant be botherd, nothing will get me playing games tonight.
S2 licensed
last time i checked you were putting up a christmas tree, now the story has changed...
S2 licensed
not like you then, you wouldnt play yesterday...
S2 licensed
ok, they are returned :P
What happens when you refuse to play BF2 with UKCT
S2 licensed
They stolez my points =[

Rahh Sam 1,594 laps and not a single point.

S2 licensed
Remember, stereotypes had to start somehow
Last edited by tenwierdufos, . Reason : I cant spell, but i dont need to for the game anyway XD
S2 licensed
Doncha just love it when mindless chatter actually helps people
S2 licensed
An issue with the UK though, especially this area is, where are they supposed to pull over?

If britians A and B roads are anything like they are here in Derbysire, if a HGV pulled over, they would never make it back onto the road lol.

and you cant just stop in the road because people behind you couldnt see past you to get round safley anyway

Mabye a good law in some places, but its not known because most the time its not possibe
S2 licensed
pish td5, cant beat a 90 with an 80's rover v8 dumped into it

my mum had a td5 with the worst designed electrics ever concived, at one point every time you pressed a switch a fuse blew, at the best time we got it so it would only blow a fuse when you turned the indicators off :
Last edited by tenwierdufos, . Reason : typos :P
S2 licensed
not all bmw drivers do it, only 99.999% of them

just like not all rover drivers are only on the road on a sunday at 10mph, just 99.999% of them are :P
S2 licensed
Beamer drivers are the worst i agree, having a Renault myself i find they enjoy pulling out of a junction infront of me about 20 meters ahead to see how good my brakes and horn is.

Oh well, they dont last very long before they get written off anyway
S2 licensed
Here at the moment the way people in tractors signal its safe to overtake is by completely ignoring you.

If they look back and start shouting abuse then you know youve been waiting too long.

Simple way for a simple folk
S2 licensed
Woooo, glad to see that the wisdom of shrek has helped again
S2 licensed
Hmnnm, people are getting rather petty on this thread, is a shame
S2 licensed
Accident - work out or report.

Eh, why cant people just have fun, driving is fun, but thats why the report system is there, because you can report it and let someone else deal with it, and carry on driving, Yay.

So why not get back off the forum and start driving.

I said driving alot there, *presses bind* sorry :P

S2 licensed
Im not sure if this will be made available for the PS3 to host on but the PS2 has had a history of been used as servers for various things, basically because with the PS2 you can just chuck a big IDE hard drive on the back of the network adaptor, and there you have it, install linux on it, run ftp servers, webserver etc, and its about 60w of power.

The main problem is finding a server program which will work on the operating system, because things like mail, ftp, webservers etc all are so commonly used its worth people spending time developing these peices of software.

But with LFS, alot of people play but it would not be worth the develepors time converting all of their software for the playstation, mainly because you will want to use your console for other things, but also how many people would have a serious host on a playstation???

Is a much more reliable and better idea to rent a server, you can fit alot more people in than your home connection could ever handle, plus, your free to play with your new ps3 as much as you want without cutting all your players off!!
S2 licensed
Wouldnt want that
S2 licensed
The PS3 can run Linux, and it also have a very powerfull CPU, but....

and this is a big but...

it is based around a completely different architecture. Its like trying to run LFS on a haddock from a chippy, they just arnt going to fit together.

Please dont try LFS on a haddock, im sure it wont be very pleased with you.
S2 licensed
How do you make the RB4 spin like that? i didnt think you could with 4wd.

Would like to know hehe
S2 licensed
Well, i have removed votekick/ban from any servers i run, i know how annoying it is :]
Last edited by tenwierdufos, . Reason : Confused
S2 licensed

(thats all i have to say)

(for now )