We'd all agree that lateral visibility from all the cars is poor. It cannot be anything else unless you have three screens, one in the middle and two facing the left and right sides of your face (and software that can draw your entire field of view on these three screens). An inevitable consequence is that wheel to wheel racing ends in tears too often. I know you can look left and right but hurtling into the braking zone flat out, judging your braking point to the yard, doesn't leave time to find the right button and for the view to slide sideways and back.
I suggest a small graphic somewhere in the corner of the screen that gives you the info your peripheral vision would gather. Just a plan of the car with coloured dots or something that lets you know if you're about to touch and where, or mayber some system that lets you know if you're clear of the guy behing and safe to take the racing entry to a corner or whether you should stay on the overtaking inside line to claim the corner.
Just a suggestion, but it would prevent the needless silly accident that can blight an otherwise good contest.