LFS username: MentaLLL
Nickname: MentaLLL
Real name: Ben Green
Age: 16
Country: UK
Preferred Car/Track: XRT & Autocross

How Active Are You? I play every day, pretty much

Wanting to get better so!
What Kind of Control do you use? DFGT Using 360 degrees at the moment until i get used to it then im going to move up

Time Zone: GMT +0
A little bit about yourself: I've always love cars, they have been a major fascination throughout these later years, i've pretty much played them all, all of the NFS's and GRID's etc. They were all fun, but got a little repetitive and lets face it not that challenging. LFS is different, it is something new to me, drifting in this game is way different, it is much harder to get right for a start!
While i've only had the game for a few days (bought it 2 hours ago) i have managed to get to grips with a few of the basic drift styles and techniques. This isnt a team search as such, its mainly a search for some people i can practice my drifting with and hopefully get tips and improve!
Also, i have played an FPS game called CSS for many years, so i know the ins and outs of competitive play, so i know that communication is key yet also having fun is what its all about!
I look forward to becoming part of the drifting community!